EMC AMA (Chinese): How does EMC's Layer2 Computing Power Layer and AI Applications Bring a Large Number of AI Developers and Users to ICP

EMC中文专场AMA:通过EMC Layer2的AI算力网络和应用,如何为ICP带来大量AI开发者和用户?



The explosion of AI has created a strong demand for computing power. However, many AI startups and developers are facing a lack of sufficient computing, which hinders the further breakthrough and widespread adoption of these AI applications.

The EMC team, with years of experience in Web2 and Web3 development and marketing, has spent over six months developing the protocol and integrating with the ICP mainnet.

On Testnet, EMC has successfully built a decentralized computing power protocol, utilizing idle GPU computing power globally to provide a scalable computing power network for AI applications and attract a large user base.

In this Chinese AMA session, we will focus on sharing EMC’s technical roadmap and ecosystem layout for developers and enthusiasts in the Asia-Pacific region. We welcome anyone interested in ICP and EMC to join and listen. You can leave your questions in advance or ask them live during the session!

AMA Time: May 15th, 20:00 (Beijing Timezone)
Location: Twitter Space
Link: https://twitter.com/wngzhngshn92629/status/1657272499971792897