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The entire market is heavily influenced by speculation. From a price perspective, the IC isn’t really any different from other platforms or the countless other tokens out there. If Bitcoin and Ethereum are going down, ICP follows the same pattern. It’s that simple. This won’t change until the crypto space gets more serious about fundamentals.
I hope it doesn’t get too serious anytime soon. Otherwise, given the lack of security protocols on the IC, the token should be near $0 by now.
It reminds me of this:
It seems like the blockchain wars have truly begun.
Oh hi - I guess you’re new here. You have a lot of catching up to do.
Ok let me give a tl;dr here @snoopy
A handful of Node Providers that signed up between late August 2023 and December 2023, most of which used exactly the same boilerplate intro as George Bassadone in June 2023 now account for 59 out of the 158 machines in the six subnets that control the IC.
That’s with minimal digging. If we add in people who have shell companies, have provided nothing more than the first page of a bank statement as ID, then we’re probably closer to 80.
Now the same people are gaming the 70 → 42 max node reduction and taking servers away from legitimate providers and moving them to the same types of unknown shell companies.
If that doesn’t worry you then I guess you’re one of them.
Firstly, why would I target you, Adam? What have you done? You’ve never wronged me, and I have no reason to target you, or anyone else in the IC community.
Regarding NODAO, I quickly looked them up, and all their information is here: New Node Provider Proposals - #743 by quint
With regards to allegation of my travels to Madrid being connected to the nodes, note that a person doesn’t need to be physically present where the nodes are located—everything can be managed remotely. As for the dates, I have no knowledge of the transfer of nodes from Madrid that you are referring to, but remember Madrid is a capital European city and home to over 3.5 million people. Once again, I have no relationship to NODAO or any node-providing link to any individual or company in Madrid or Miami.
While I do see brilliance in identifying a pattern, I see no brilliance in jumping to a conclusion and feeding a personal paranoia. If one does have concerns, the best course of action would be to investigate properly instead of launching a vicious attack.
How about reaching out to the other individuals and companies? We have some tagged above.
Do you also realise that your accusation undermines IC governance? Every node provider is required to submit real-world identification documents and other verification. Unverified suspicions leading to public accusations only harm the community and ultimately the ICP price.
If node providers, who invest time and resources into contributing, can be attacked without due diligence, who will want to help the ecosystem?
This is complete nonsense. As anyone can verify, they don’t even have that many nodes total to begin with, you are making stuff up that has no basis in reality and this is actually terrible for the IC community to have someone like you doing that with some sort of personal vendetta against someone you seem to actually know it seems. Makes me wonder about YOUR motives. Also, node providers don’t have any say in what subnets their nodes are put in and removed from. And yes, of course, anyone who doesn’t believe in your baseless conspiracy theory is of course one of the conspirators…
I suggest you pay attention to :
The number of days the NP spent on the forum before making a proposal
The dates that the proposals were made
Which boilerplate message they used, GH = Good Health, IHTM = I Hope this message finds you well, FR = Formally Register
The critical subnets that these Node Providers are part of (green)
CPN, which is the number of nodes on these critical subnets divided by the total number of nodes.
This is with a day of digging, and I won’t stop.
You know when you’ve been DARVO’d
It doesn’t matter if you agree with @borovan stance, he is raising valid points, the possibility to collude is real even if people say they wouldn’t out of a moral standpoint.
I kinda want it to go down so more will get burned when Caffeine launches. However, that’s besides the point.
This is why I’ve just voted to adopt the motion proposal. I’ve not had time to dig deep into the circumstantial evidence that has been put forward, but I’m very impressed by the initiative and attention to detail, and I agree that a full investigation should be launched, and some safeguards put in place to make sure sybil attacks are economically inconceivable, now and in the future.
I would however discourage any rash decisions being made before such an investigation is conducted and concluded though.
I would also like to make the point that some of the individuals targeted in this thread have had a very very long time to address these sorts of concerns but have chosen to repetitively ignore questions and opportunities to explain themselves.
Here are some more funny ones.
Serenity Lotus, 4 days on forums, Good Health, no website. November 2023.
Artur is a Maritime lawyer based in Cyprus who has set up a shell company in the BVIs.
WMA Investments Limited. Good health, November 2023, 2 days on forums before making a proposal. Poland (hey Poland how u doin?). - tax associate based in Cyprus.
Now you’re not even trying!
You are looking for a pattern where there is none.
Number of days the NP spent on the forum before making a proposal: irrelevant and inaccurate. Who knows how long someone spent on the forum before making a proposal, they could have read through the forum for ages before registering, or have multiple forum IDs, or neither, either way, totally irrelevant.
Boilerplate message: yes, it’s a boilerplate process to onboard nodes, so people use boilerplate messages that they see didn’t get rejected in previous proposals. This is not suspicious whatsoever. When making proposals, there are also boilerplate instructions for that.
Subnet management: node providers do not manage subnet composition. You can easily verify in the forum and with the proposals on the dashboard how, when, for what reason and by who nodes are added and removed from subnets. It has nothing to do with node providers. These node providers you are highlighting actually all have relatively few nodes and in countries with few nodes, so probably the decentralisation tooling would pick their nodes to be assigned more frequently to meet decentralisation criteria.
signed up 13th Jan 2024, proposal 2 days later. Good health. My god, we must be a healthy bunch of developers here in the IC.
could have found this in a dumpster
Or more likely people who are aware of the criteria for decentralisation are gaming the system with tens, hundreds of fake identities.
My point exactly, was just gonna look for that.