DNS Masking Issue: Custom Domain Not Redirecting Properly

Im encountering a challenge with the domain setup for GameBloc (gamebloc.app)(https://cv4ma-4qaaa-aaaal-adntq-cai.icp0.io/). When we attempt to access the domain, it displays the GoDaddy default page instead of masking the Internet Computer (IC) canister URL. Additionally, DNS configurations seem to be correct, but the expected behavior of the domain masking the canister ID isn’t functioning as intended.

Here’s the JSON response


Here is the DNS config

Can you please provide your ic-domains file as outlined in step 2 of the custom domain setup docs?

├── .ic-assets.json
│ │ │ ├── .well-known
│ │ │ │ └──ic-domains

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Hey @successaje

Everything on the boundary node side works as expected. You can try it by running the following command that tries to fetch your page directly from the boundary nodes.

curl -sLv -X GET \
    --resolve gamebloc.app:443: \

The problem is your DNS configuration, which is not correct. You have not setup a redirect from gamebloc.app to the boundary nodes (gamebloc.app.icp1.io). What you currently have setup is a redirect from gamebloc.gamebloc.app to gamebloc.app.icp1.io. You can verify that by comparing the output of the following two commands that fetches the DNS config:

$ dig CNAME gamebloc.app +short
$ dig CNAME gamebloc.gamebloc.app +short

The problem is that GoDaddy doesn’t allow you to set a CNAME for the apex. We have described in the following doc your options. Long story short: I recommend you to switch to an alternative DNS provider, such as Cloudflare.

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Yeaa, true.
I think I will just go with switching to Cloudflare. Thanks.

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Already active. It works now. Thanks.
You can check it out as well :laughing: