About lack of safety at the forum and the factual infestation by the scammers here!

Discourse (our forum software) does not allow filtering the ‘name’ field of a user. We’re checking if we can disable this entirely for new users.

The other thing we could do is disable DMs, but that also affects a lot of legitimate use cases. We’ll see if we can restrict DMing for new users for a few days.

Why? You didn’t attack anyone with ad-hominem insults, you didn’t try to scam anyone. I’m not a fan of the writing style, but that’s a personal preference and obviously not an offense against the rules.

We honestly try to do our best. We actually agree with a lot of what you say and are frustrated by the situation too. Just to illustrate that we do a fair amount of moderation: In this thread alone we already banned three scammers in the last 24 hours.

So far we have not removed the ability to DM because we think having the option is valuable enough for legitimate use cases.

Because of this thread, we actually poked around the forum settings a bit more and now configured it such that you need trust level 2 to add external links in your posts/DMs, and raised some DM requirements. Let’s hope this helps a bit.