Lost control of my ICP after it were staked on NNS with Ledger hardware wallet

Hello! Where did my ICP go? I sent some ICP to my Ledger controlled wallet, which is linked to the NNS when I log on. I went to the Neuron Staking tab and staked the “Max” amount on that account. Everything was going well, I got to the “Add Hot Key” prompt and forgot what this was and pressed “Skip” figuring I could do it later. Now when I go to the wallet I was trying to stake the ICP from (hardware controlled), it just shows as I sent all my ICP to a random address that I am not tracking. I’m assuming this is the address associated with a staking neuron? The last time I did this process, the transaction history on that wallet says “Staked”, this time it says “Sent”. I cannot find where my ICP went and it is not showing up as a new Neuron in my Neuron Staking tab. Any insights? The address it was sent to seems to be new and that is the only transaction. It is showing as a “Transfer” when I look at the transaction history in my wallet. I also never got the options for how long I wanted to stake, etc.

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We have a problem with listing the neurons of a hardware wallet. We are working on a fix.

Your ICP is locked in a neuron, and you’ll be able to add a hotkey when the issue is resolved.

In case you can’t wait, you can use the Hardware Wallet CLI to add the hotkey or see your neuron.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi, just wanted to get this in here as well. @boldermail and I were chatting about this in another forum so our responses are similar. (We’ve just copied our situation and posted it in different forums attempting to get help.)

We’ve had the same issue.

I’ve successfully staked in the past and wanted to stake some more. So I recently sent more ICP to my Ledger controlled wallet from Coinbase, which is linked to the NNS when I log on. There was no issue here just like last time. I went to the Neuron Staking tab and staked the “Max” amount on that account. Everything was going well, I got to the “Add Hot Key” prompt and forgot what this was and pressed “Skip” figuring I could do it later. Now when I go to the wallet I was trying to stake the ICP from (hardware controlled), it just shows as I sent all my ICP to a random address that I am not tracking. I never entered this as an address to sent to. I’m assuming this is the address associated with a new staking neuron? Regardless, I do not have access to that address or neuron if that’s what it is. The last time I did this process, the transaction history on that hardware wallet says “Staked”, this time it says “Sent”. I cannot access the ICP that I tried to stake and it is not showing up as a new Neuron in my Neuron Staking tab. Any insights? The address it was sent to seems to be new and that is the only transaction. I also never got the options for how long I wanted to stake, etc when going through the staking processes on the Neuron Staking tab. It was just from what account, how much (selected max), then do you want to add a Hot Key (skipped), then back to the homepage with no neurons present and my ICP sent to a random address.

I also attempted to “Show Neurons” from the hardware controlled wallet on NNS Dapp… but I’m getting an error to which I’ve created an issue on Ledger’s Zondax github page:

Issue: ICP "Show Neurons" Error (code 27012) - Hardware Controlled ICP Wallet (Ledger). · Issue #230 · Zondax/ledger-icp · GitHub


You mention that our ICP is locked in a Neuron that we don’t have access to at the moment via the NNS Dapp “Show Neurons” feature, but we never got the options to set a Dissolve Delay, and all the other Neuron staking options that I got before. The only option was the Add Hot Key… which I accidentally skipped. Is this something we will have the ability to do once we can access our neuron in the NNS Dapp?

Thanks for reassuring us this is a known issue and it is working to be resolved!

I forgot to mention in the reply above… i am also using app version 2.4.9 for my ICP wallet on the Ledger Nano X.

Thanks again!

This is a phishing post, please don’t talk with anyone there

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@AceOmnia and @boldermail the issue has been fixed in https://nns.ic0.app/

It should work now.


Thank you, problem solved.

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thanks so much! Cheers.

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This has not been fixed, I have this same problem with my Ledger Nano S Plus…

There was an error with the hardware wallet. A ledger error happened during signature. “Data is invalid : Unexpected value” (code 27012).

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