Yuku marketplace deletes creators data - not decentralized

DO NOT USE YUKU for your NFT project.

After developing an NFT collection to release via their launchpad (https://yuku.app/market/hmz4w-fiaaa-aaaah-admlq-cai) , and then stepping back to do more development on the platform that would give added utility to the NFTs, YUKU’s team decided to git rid of my canister and its assets due to “inactivity and no maintenance”, essentially a couple months of not topping up the canister with cycles (Which shouldn’t cause data deletion or be considered a dead project when there are much older projects that aren’t maintained).

My project was DIGISETTE : Yuku, your gateway to web3!

This completely goes again the whole idea of decentralization!

If they have a team of people selecting which projects go to the trash then it is NOT A SAFE SPACE for assets!!!

I have no idea why they did this, and if they are supported by Dfinity. My assets would’ve bee better off on facebook. again


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. At the start of 2024, we extended the cycle management period for all collections, including DIGISETTE, by an additional year free of charge. However, by mid-2024, our team determined that the associated costs were no longer sustainable. As a result, we proposed a vote to the DAO to decide whether Yuku should continue covering the cycle fees for all collections. (This is proposal :NNS Dapp). The DAO ultimately voted in favor of transferring maintenance and fee responsibilities to collection owners.

Therefore, we introduced a new cycle management system, where creators are now responsible for monitoring and topping up their canisters. Collections without sufficient maintenance cycles are automatically taken down after an extended period of inactivity. Nonetheless, we have actively notified creators about low-cycle alerts to help them avoid disruptions and situations like this.

Regarding the DIGISETTE canister, its cycles reached a critical low, and we sent DMs on X to alert; Unfortunately, as the cycles were not replenished in time, the canister was eventually cleared. The canister ID is hmz4w-fiaaa-aaaah-admlq-cai.

We deeply regret any inconvenience this has caused and are committed to supporting you in re-minting the collection. Should you need assistance, please feel free to contact us on Telegram or X.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we continue improving our platform.

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You guys sent me one DM, and have my Telegram, and Discord and did not say anything about deleting data. I’d assume that a decentralized marketplace would do as much as possible to avoid deleting data, especially if people own the assets, no matter how many people that may be.

Also, frozen canisters DO NOT MEAN inactivity, or that the project is dead. After seeing the message on twitter I sent Cycles to the canister, and realized that the canister was no longer available. The least you guys could’ve done is back up the data and rebuild the canister, or again try your best to reach out. You did not say anything about deleting the canister, you just asked to refill it with cycles! The DAO did not vote to give you guys authority to delete data!


Since you’re making it seem like you’ve sent DMs im attaching proof of your the communication below.

My faith in the YUKU platform is gone! This is based on the lack of communication and the simple fact that you guys delete data. That is not a decentralized platform, and digital assets are not safe there.

If canister is low on cycles, it gets frozen and trades will fail, result is that people lose ICP and NFT-s. But if frozen canister cycle balance goes to 0, then protocol itself deletes canister.

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A HUGE RED FLAG!! Again if this is possible, this is not a plus at all. Devs, stay away.

You should top up when you receive canister cycle warning.

Do you have an nft project on YUKU? If so please share a link to it. This reply clearly ignores what i’ve said about frozen canister doesnt mean deleted data. The team at YUKU purposely deleted the data because they believed the project was dead. That entire action goes against decentralization.

Why you blame Yuku, You where the one who didnt add cycles when they told you to add. When frozen canisters cycles run to 0, it will be deleted.
So you better tell your NFT buyers why you took money, but didnt even bother to keep project alive.

I’m just sharing the facts.

Canisters don’t delete when cycles run out. The team took it upon themselves to delete the canister. I have the message of this to share.

Also, I will tell the NFT “Airdrop” winners that YUKU decided to delete the canister with little to no communication. Also the project isnt dead its here https://www.scoge.co

Lastly please share if you are a developer yourself and if you have a project, and if you have a collection on YUKU.

This is a warning to new projects looking for a marketplace. If YUKU can delete your canister, its not decentralized!

If a canister runs out of cycles, then it gets uninstalled, meaning that its code and data are deleted. A canister will only retain its metadata such as the canister ID, controllers, settings, etc.

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Hi, Henn, thanks for your explanation.

We proposed a vote to the DAO to decide whether Yuku should continue covering the cycle fees for all collections last year. (This is proposal :NNS Dapp). The DAO ultimately voted in favor of transferring maintenance and fee responsibilities to collection owners.
Thanks for your understanding.

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