Where can I find the canister-id for the mainnet ledger canister?

I’m looking for the canister-id for the ledger canister on the mainnet, but haven’t quite been able to find it. Could someone point me to where this is documented?

You can find it here, along with others: https://k7gat-daaaa-aaaae-qaahq-cai.ic0.app/listing/nns-ledger-10244/ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai

You can also click view did file there and change languages to get the interface as Candid, Motoko etc.

NNS canisters:

Name Principal/Canister id Controller
registry rwlgt-iiaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-cai root
governance rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai root
ledger ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai root
root r7inp-6aaaa-aaaaa-aaabq-cai lifeline
cycles-minting rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai root
lifeline rno2w-sqaaa-aaaaa-aaacq-cai root
genesis-token renrk-eyaaa-aaaaa-aaada-cai root
identity rdmx6-jaaaa-aaaaa-aaadq-cai root
nns-ui qoctq-giaaa-aaaaa-aaaea-cai root
archive-node qjdve-lqaaa-aaaaa-aaaeq-cai root