What is the Cycle Burn Rate capacity as of today?

Hi everyone. As most of you know the cycle burn rate is at a healthy 400bn/s 90 day average with a more recent ~1tn/s.

I wonder if someone at Dfinity or someone more knowledgeable could give me a very rough idea of the current max capacity? Is it currently close to capacity? Or is it 10tn/s, perhaps 100tn/s? Should a project become very popular and start to burn many trillions/s, can the network accomodate? If not what would happen?

Thank you very much in advance!

There is no cycle burn rate max, but there is a cycle minting rate (ICP burned to create cycles) maximum of 150 quadrillion cycles per hour (recently raised btw). I’d imagine this can be bumped again in the future as needed.

Per subnet compute capacity is limited by each subnet’s hardware specs, but the Internet Computer can just keep adding more subnets as needed, which is where its scalability comes from.

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Thank you for this information.

That’s really great, it’s around 40x from the current ~1tn/s without adding any subnets, which is way above a deflationary level.

The more I learn about ICP the more impressed I get, thank you all developers at Dfinity for the excellent work you do!

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