The price of a canister

Hello everyone and DFINITY engineers,

What are the specific reasons for setting the deployment cost at 1 trillion cycles? Is it feasible to reduce this cost by a factor of ten? Additionally, why is there a cap of 1 million canisters per subnet? I’m asking because we anticipate needing more than 1 million canisters in our subnet soon.


Deployment cost is 100 billion cycles.


Hello @Seb, thank you for the question.

Let’s break it down:

  1. The cost of creating canisters is not 1T, it’s 100B, exactly what you were asking for.
  2. The 1M cap comes from the length of the canister ID range assigned to the subnet. By default, each new subnet gets a single canister ID range with 1M canister IDs. We can in theory add more ranges but I don’t think we plan to do it any time soon.
  3. We currently have a hard cap of 120K canisters that can be created on a subnet because we know that with more than 100K canisters in the single subnet, there’s degradation in the performances and the subnet will get quite slow.

We are planning to work on further improving how many canisters a subnet can host but that will require the time.

Thanks for the answer. I really think this will need to be prioritised soon. Let’s see :smile:

hey @Seb, can you share more about what use case for > 1M canisters you have mind?

Hey @Manu, this one

It will take over sooner than expected.

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