Voting no on all proposals that don’t have a link to here

its okay those who know, they know.

We are being extremely polite with you but your being increasingly unreasonable. I’m not trying to attack you and if you disagree make a portal on dscvr and create a competing community.

This post is my opinion and what I am doing and just like this is what I am doing you can do whatever you want.

I can think for myself. Sorry for being ‘rude’. Feel free to ignore me and block me. I am not interested in silly games. I’m here to decentralize NNS like every other builder working on IC.

I am not obliged to agree with you, ICPMN or DFINITY. While I try to be as polite as I can, I’ve learned a thing or two working on IC wrt this. NNS, IMO, is plagued with idiotic influencers and insider trading. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

PS: I’m not being paid to do this. - If that makes you feel any better.

I wouldn’t want to discuss proposals on the NNS frontend, it should be strictly reserved for functionality related to interacting with the NNS and the ICP ledger.

If you are not happy with this forum as a place for proposal discussion I think you can move it to any other forum you like.

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There is a telegram bot that does this.



This is probably due to the fact that this forum existed before mainnet launch and many many developers and supporters have an account and interact here. Discourse is incredibly feature rich and I guess until we don’t have something similary good on the IC it will be hard to convince people to move to a different place.

At this moment in time I personally don’t want to have the lengthy and complex discussions going on around governance in any of the projects available on the IC rn.

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Tbqh im not fond of using NNS for discussion either. Want to start with an inbuilt feature for submitting proposals. I dont want to burden NNS subnet or the front-end.

And I dont expect on-chain migration to happen anytime soon either.

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There is a bot on openchat as well.

I expect dfinity to announce the proposals and status on Twitter


This would be a great website to port to the IC. Although it is probably nontrivial given that Discourse is built on top of Postgres…