Too complicated


I have Plug wallet with some Icp and Cycles(checked that icp and cycles exist).

I can extract wallet pem file or recovery phrase but after

“dfx identity --network ic get-wallet” i have always

" No wallet configured for combination of identity ‘…’ and network ‘ic’"

Recovery phrase is 12 words.

What to do ?

I’m trying to install a new application that run on Motoko DB on my Canister.

I have absolutely no idea what’s the answer to your question unfortunately but, just want to point out that you should NOT answer above message of Darnell23, that’s a scam!

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Is not the first time that scammer are trying to “work”
on this forum.
Thank you peterparker.

Any help please for my issue.

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Make sure the correct identity is being used:
dfx identity list
dfx identity use <your-identity>

dfx identity list

tp…wkk-tgv54-hqe *

dfx ledger --network ic balance
WARN: The t…c-cuwkk-tgv54-hqe identity is not stored securely. Do not use it to control a lot of cycles/ICP. Create a new identity with dfx identity new and use it in mainnet-facing commands with the --identity flag
0.00080000 ICP

dfx wallet --network ic balance
WARN: The tp…-cuwkk-tgv54-hqe identity is not stored securely. Do not use it to control a lot of cycles/ICP. Create a new identity with dfx identity new and use it in mainnet-facing commands with the --identity flag
Error: Failed to setup wallet caller.
Caused by: No wallet configured for combination of identity ‘…cuwkk-tgv54-hqe’ and network ‘ic’

I don’t understand what is need really.

Try create a new one and import the Plug wallet

dfx identity new <your-identity-name> --disable-encryption
dfx identity use <your-identity-name>

Import the wallet
dfx identity import <your-identity-name> <path-to-pem-file>

Set the wallet
dfx identity --network ic set-wallet <canister-id>

dfx identity --network ic get-wallet

Make sure you have the latest version of dfx installed.

I would do dfx identity --ic get-principal and then send a small number of cycles from Plug to that principal on the cycles ledger. And then more if you need more. Why export/import them pem file? That only exposes your private key on your filesystem.

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