How to transfer cycles to Plug from dfx wallet?

I have created a principal id by CLI and got cycles from the faucet. How can I transfer them to my Plug wallet? I can’t find any commands. Furthermore, why I can’t see any balance of my principal id on

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dfx canister --network=ic --wallet=$(dfx identity --network=ic get-wallet) call --with-cycles 100000 aanaa-xaaaa-aaaah-aaeiq-cai mint ‘(principal “id from plug”)’
100000 for your own amount

WHat if i want to fund the dfx wallet with cycles from plug, do i just need to transfer icp to the dfx wallet principal id??

Transfer your ICP to your dfx identity (dfx ledger account-id), and then dfx ledger top-up $(dfx identity get-wallet)

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I tried the commands a while back and it worked perfectly well, but recently i tried retrieving my ledger balance and i get the error
Error: The replica returned a replica error: reject code DestinationInvalid, reject message IC0301: Canister ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai not found, error code Some("IC0301")

if i run the comand you posted i get a similar error

Sending duplicate transaction
Waiting to retry after error: ReplicaError(RejectResponse { reject_code: DestinationInvalid, reject_message: "Canister ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai not found", error_code: Some("IC0301") })```

What am I possibly doing wrong?

Are you targeting the wrong network?

I think so, i forgot to add the network to the command,
So it basically works now, thanks.