think useful way to adjust tokenomics schedule. it release neary 40,000,000 tokens every year. so terrible, I never see a token like this. they are all search deflation.
This number will continue to go down every year until it reaches 5%. Polkadot and avalanche are much higher.
Unfortunately the high number of ICP token issuance seems to be put in place to subsidize the DFINITY team members. We are paying for their R&D, etc… if you are investing in ICP and expecting a substantial return on investment, I don’t think the payoff will happen if you paid over $6, not with up to 400 million tokens issued in the full run.
Dot has limited numbers 1 billon, Eth has already in deflation road. Even 5% inflation every year is 25,000,000. Have u calculated how much cycles burned per second can eliminate that huge inflation? It needs Nearly 350x times than now even at the price 4$. Dfinity fund already has huge returns. They can’t make money at the expense of huge inflation. One way to solve this is to set per unit cycles from 1000 billions to 3 billions. Increase the cost of cycle burns.
Peter Listo via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月5日 周一下午3:42写道:
Polk dot and avalanches has constant total number ! Dfinity has no limit of total number according to huge inflation. It will reach 1 billion in ten years. Have u ever seen any token can reach 100$ if it’s total number is 1 billion?
Sean Michael via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月5日 周一上午10:27写道:
Relying on staking for deflation is dangerous and could become a ticking bomb. The number of tokens burned increases with usage but also decrease as price appreciates. If you are interested you can read more about it here: Can the IC become deflationary?
Polk dot and avalanches has constant total number ! Dfinity has no limit of total number according to huge inflation. It will reach 1 billion in ten years. Have u ever seen any token can reach 100$ if it’s total number is 1 billion?
Zane via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月5日 周一下午5:43写道:
It’ll go down overtime. The solution is for more developers to build on the internet computer and for more users to participate, driving up the burn rate.
No hope for that. It needs 400x times cycles burn than now, how it can be possible? Only way to solve this problem is to decrease XDR from 1000 billions cycles to 2.5-3 billions!
smaug via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午1:28写道:
Problem is how much burn rate has to increase to create deflation is related to icp price. That is cause dApps pay for computation in XDR and as token price goes up less tokens must be burned for the same XDR amount but inflation is determined by % of total supply.
Infinite growth is impossible so there is a price range after which the IC can’t be deflationary with current tokenomics, what that price is nobody knows yet.
Yes. It needs to adjust according to the price to eliminate inflation. From the situation since start, I cannot any hope in the future for ICP is inflation still continued.
Zane via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午1:48写道:
Yes. It needs to adjust according to the price to eliminate inflation. From the situation since start, I cannot any hope in the future for ICP if inflation still continued.
deen sun <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午1:51写道:
I don’t know why they still don’t realize such a terrible problem and don’t solve it.
deen sun <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午1:52写道:
Most likely cause they rely on staking to act as a deflationary mechanism, but I don’t agree with that conclusion.
That’s a disaster idea
Zane via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午2:04写道:
Sure there is. It’s built to handle a lot more than it does now. We could see cycle consumption increase substantially, and even without that we know that plenty of inflationary coins see large price increases despite inflation.
High number of issuance relative what other competitors?
Pls list which one has such huge inflation like ICP, don’t just say no without any evidence!
Sean Michael via Internet Computer Developer Forum <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午6:22写道:
Bitcoins has 21 millions, ETH has become deflation. Dot has total number 1 billion.
deen sun <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午6:23写道:
Show me which one has such huge inflation like ICP ? But it still can succeed
deen sun <>于2022年12月6日 周二上午6:27写道: