Subnet Management - yinp6 (Application)

This topic is intended to capture Subnet Management activities over time for the yinp6 subnet, providing a place to ask questions and make observations about the management of this subnet.

At the time of creating this topic the current subnet configuration is as follows:

  "version": 45287,
  "records": [
      "key": "subnet_record_yinp6-35cfo-wgcd2-oc4ty-2kqpf-t4dul-rfk33-fsq3r-mfmua-m2ngh-jqe",
      "version": 45287,
      "value": {
        "membership": [
        "nodes": {},
        "max_ingress_bytes_per_message": 2097152,
        "max_ingress_messages_per_block": 1000,
        "max_block_payload_size": 4194304,
        "unit_delay_millis": 1000,
        "initial_notary_delay_millis": 600,
        "replica_version_id": "290fd2ae93a02e1ab579895c806161e42b6acf2b",
        "dkg_interval_length": 499,
        "start_as_nns": false,
        "subnet_type": "application",
        "features": {
          "canister_sandboxing": false,
          "http_requests": true,
          "sev_enabled": false
        "max_number_of_canisters": 120000,
        "ssh_readonly_access": [],
        "ssh_backup_access": [],
        "ecdsa_config": null,
        "chain_key_config": null

Subnet yinp6 is being made public by → Expanding the list of Public Subnets on the Internet Computer - Governance / NNS proposal discussions - Internet Computer Developer Forum (

confirming this is done