SNS office hours - format 2024



  • What? SNS office hours to answer and discuss technical questions regarding the SNS DAOs.
  • When? Every other Wednesday, starting January 24th 2024.
    • 5-5.30PM CET
    • 8-8.30AM PST
  • Where? See this calendar invite.
  • How?
    • Fill out this form with your questions by the end of Monday (the Monday before the meeting you would like to attend).
    • If there are no submitted questions, the session might be canceled.
    • If there is a session, everyone is welcome to attend!

Hi all,

Last fall we started SNS office hours as announced in this forum post. We thank everyone who attended and contributed to lively discussions in some very interesting sessions!

In the new year, we would like to continue with these sessions but in a slightly changed format.

The main difference is that we would like to get some information about your questions before the sessions. This will allow us to

  1. Cancel sessions in weeks where there are no questions.
  2. For very specific questions, find the right experts that can help answer them before the session.

We therefore propose the following setting from now on:

  • 30 min sessions
  • Every other Wednesday, 5PM CET / 8AM PST
  • First session this year and first session in the new format is on January 24th
  • Project teams submit their questions before the session:
    • Submit your question on this form: SNS office hour form
    • Submit them by the end of Monday (the Monday 2 days before the session). For example, for the first session this deadline would be on January 22nd.
  • DFINITY evaluates the questions on Tuesday. If there are now questions, the session of this week is canceled. This will be reflected in this calendar: Airtable - Calendar.
  • At least one DFINITY representative from a team working on the SNS is there.
  • Someone from the registered teams is there and anyone else is also welcome to join the sessions.

We hope that this new format helps us provide you with even better answers.

We are looking forward to the sessions and to seeing how the SNSs evolve in this new year!


Hi all,
due to low demand in the recent weeks, we are removing the SNS office hours for now.
Thanks for the interest and for many interesting question and discussions!

As always, you can reach out with questions on this forum.

Thanks and have a great week!