Seed Round Access

Check your balance? I don’t recall the neuron details changing even after successful disbursal.

dfx ledger --network ic balance

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I noticed it didn’t after disbursal. My assumption is that it doesn’t matter. If you did manage to put back in any ICP, the time weighted rebalancing recalculation would rebalance age to 0 I think.

Still 0.00000000 ICP so something must obviously be failing somewhere.

I’m having the same issue at this stage too with my 0 dissolve delay neuron. When I try to dissolve it there is no confirmation, I just get the below message:

record {
command = opt variant {
Error = record { error_message = “”; error_type = 6 : int32 }

Does the 1st neuron bring any rewards or it can be dissolved?

Hi, having the same issue. KYCed days ago according to email, but neurons still not flaged as KYCed. Did it work for you in the meantime?

Yes. It worked. Just had to wait in the end.

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Is there a way to check for KYC release, or just need to try and move some ICP?

The first neuron is dissolved. You can disburse that one. The rest have dissolve delays that increase in 30 day increments. Neurons cannot earn voting rewards unless their dissolve delay is at least six months.

I think that’s correct.

Info here:
github dot com/dfinity/docs/blob/master/modules/token-holders/pages/seed-donations.adoc

And here:
medium dot com/dfinity/understanding-the-internet-computers-network-nervous-system-neurons-and-icp-utility-tokens-730dab65cae8

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According to these links they all already pre-aged and participate in voting:

We are pleased to inform you that your neurons have been pre-aged! At the moment of Genesis Unlock, their age was already set to 18 months old. This is important, because neuron age significantly increases your voting power and the voting rewards you receive.

Yet you have a point that this actually says othewise:

A neuron cannot vote (or earn rewards for voting) when its dissolve delay falls below six months. Once the dissolve delay reaches zero, it stops falling and the controlling principal can instruct the neuron to disburse.

Will be great to hear a clarification from a team member about this matter.

As far as I can tell, they are all pre-aged to give them a bonus in the form of increased voting power. So if you wanted to you can increase the dissolve delays to above six months and then those neurons could vote and make use of the bonus.

it’s already dissolved. moved to the next step, disbursing

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anyone trying to send tokens with an airgapped machine, this approach works! cross linking for visibility.


yeah finally managed to crack it now :partying_face:

thanks for the help everyone!


So basically all our neurons will stop getting rewards the moment their dissolve delay drops sub 6 months?

So it seems we either have to call stop_dissolving method on them all or be ready for 6 months without rewards while they dissolve to 0, correct?

They are in locked mode by default and dissolve delays stay constant. Did you put your neurons all into dissolving mode? If you did then yes when they drop below six months dissolve delay then they stop earning rewards / ‘maturing’.


Good catch, I assumed they already in dissolving mode, so this all makes sense now :+1:.

Does anyone know the proper way to call the increase_dissolve_delay with dfx?

The function you need to call is manage_neuron, check the did here

dfx canister --network=ic --no-wallet sign \
rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai manage_neuron \
'(record { id = opt record { id = <NEURON_ID>:nat64 }; command = opt variant { Configure = record { operation = opt variant { IncreaseDissolveDelay = record { additional_dissolve_delay_seconds = <DISSOLVE_DELAY_IN_SECONDS>:nat32 } } } } })'

I understand the “Internet Identity” approach to authentication for logging into Dapps on the IC. You can register multiple supported devices, as well as security keys. You can even use ledger nanos that support FIDO U2F for an added layer of security and recovery (destroys FIDO security key after three failed PIN attempts, and can restore the FIDO security key with the BIP39 seed.). This is all really amazing.

What I don’t understand is how is this supposed to work for users who have a private/public key pair? Can seed rounders access the nns app or not? Can someone please point me to how existing private/public key pairs are supposed to interact with the IC, especially in an airgapped or hardware wallet setup? It feels like two totally incompatible authentication frameworks… what am I missing?

Many thanks.