I’ve inspected quite a lot of mine and they seem to be in a consecutive order already.
Thanks for attempting to be helpful. Are the seed instructions intended to only be run on Ubuntu 20.04 (and not, for example, MacOS, Debian, Arch…)? I’d assume this is the case given the xargs -d
flag that is not supported in MacOS. If so, why is this not explicitly called out in the docs?
Thanks for the response @ililic! Good to know someone is listening out there!
Thanks Igor for being around :). Regarding Enzo’s latest update for air gapped neuron claim (dfx canister --network=https://ic0.app --no-wallet send message.json) could you please clarify how to make the neuron ID’s visible? Don’t know what to do with result which is a request ID. Thanks a lot!
Same question. After sending the message.json I received a Request ID. I am using Bash on Mac OS Big Sur. For those having this issue what OS are you using?
I am trying the airgapped approach.
I am following this guide and am at the claim neurons step:
At the networked computer:
./dfx canister --network=https://ic0.app --no-wallet call $CANISTER get_account '("$MY_ADDRESS")' --output=raw
returns a hexadecimal. It’s saved in $RESULT
Then this is passed to:
./didc-linux64 decode -t "(Result_2)" -d ./nns-ifaces-0.8.0/genesis_token.did $RESULT
And I get an error here: (variant { Err = "Account not found" })
How can I proceed?
That’s easier said than done. Updating an already air-gapped computer to the latest version of Ubuntu is not possible. You need to buy a new computer just for this process. Which is slow, takes a lot of work and is less than ideal.
Instead you should provide the ability to build from source so that you don’t have glibc incompatibility problems. Building dfx on an airgapped machine should be how this process is done.
hi, “call” can be done by airgapped approach? All airgapped approach seems to be “sign” and “send” ?
@ililic Can you please include examples in the seed instructions? Examples such as those below in the Self-custody quick start are enormously helpful and reduce errors and help requests tremendously. This is especially true for multiline commands such as calling the cannister, etc.
Thank you!
Here is the delay time of my neurons:
1 - dissolve_delay_seconds = 0 : nat64;
2 - dissolve_delay_seconds = 5_046_278 : nat64;
3- dissolve_delay_seconds = 6_317_585 : nat64;
4 - dissolve_delay_seconds = 10_200_723 : nat64;
Did anyone else check their neurons dissolve time?
solution is here:
Looks like there are more detailed directions here docs/modules/token-holders/pages/seed-donations.adoc at main · dfinity/docs · GitHub
dfx canister call
in the section [[Claim in one step]](docs/modules/token-holders/pages/seed-donations.adoc at main · dfinity/docs · GitHub in one step), the commanddfx canister send
does not return output that can be parsed bydidc
. Instead, it outputs only a request id.In order to see the effect of your
request, you have to do an additional step. Perform the following commands on your networked machine:CANISTER=renrk-eyaaa-aaaaa-aaada-cai RESULT=“$(dfx canister --network=https://ic0.app --no-wallet call $CANISTER get_account ‘(“paste legacy address here”)’ --output=raw)” didc decode -t “(Result_2)” -d ~/Downloads/nns-ifaces-0.8.0/genesis_token.did $RESULT
No problem. Too many places to check to get consistent info. Take a look again, it’s different from the directions on dfinity.org/seed. There is additional detail mentioning what to do after you receive the Request ID including sending the message above with your legacy address. That’s not on dfinity.org/seed
Thanks Timo for the updated instructions!
@ililic Further questions:
Can someone please explain how to decode or interpret these ‘nat64’ values? Can didc convert these into human readable numbers? I can’t find any useful instructions on this in the docs or the forum.
Where can we see how many ICP tokens are locked inside a Neuron and why isn’t this information included in “Neuron Info”?
What do the values of the “state” property (e.g. 1, 2, 3) mean? Is there any reference for these neuron APIs? I can’t find anything.
How can we tell what the original amount of ICP in a neuron is vs the amount ICP earned in rewards? How come this also isn’t in “Neuron Info”? Is there a different place to get information about Neurons other than “Neuron Info”?
Many thanks
As far as I know they already are human readable numbers (decimal). For example when converting the account_id to the nat64 values, you take 2 characters, treat that as a hex number and convert it to decimal. And that’s the nat64 value. At least that’s how I remember it encoded the account_id.
Or if you’re talking about the delay number, it’s in seconds, so you need to divide by 60 * 60 * 24 to get days.
This doesn’t seem human readable to me. What does this mean?
Seems quite humanly readable to me.
dissolve delay seconds = 6 317 585
so that’s 105293 minutes
or 1754 hours
or 73 days.
Oooh. So those underscores are like commas. Okay got it. Not sure how we are supposed to just understand that. There are no nat64 examples in the documentation or the forum.
Because they only made developer tools, meant to be used by programmers, because they don’t care too much about seed investors selling their tokens or doing pretty much anything. The harder they make it for you to sell, the better price the team and their Venture Capitalists can get. Why do you think they only enabled the KYC form right at launch and then took another day to verify it… If they didn’t do that you could get $600 per token like they did I’m pretty sure that was illegal by the way.
PS: no offense to the devs at all, it’s not their fault but the greedy management
Sure I get that. But how are even developers supposed to understand? Are they going to some secret documentation location that the rest of us aren’t? Or basically they are in a Motoko environment where they can create their own examples… That’s probably it. Yeah completely developer-centric which is understandable and fine for now. Always learning.