Replacing nodes in subnet tdb26

Replace a node in subnet tdb26


  • replacing dead node onv2n-rm4ad-mgpnn-iiheu-6a76r-crgmo-wxpwt-dqf6y-n7gcf-5po4q-2qe

Calculated potential impact on subnet decentralization if replacing:

  • 1 additional node would result in: (gets better) the average log2 of Nakamoto Coefficients across all features increases from 3.2999 to 3.3303 (solution penalty: 30)
  • 2 additional nodes would result in: (gets better) the average log2 of Nakamoto Coefficients across all features increases from 3.3303 to 3.3578 (solution penalty: 30)
  • 3 additional nodes would result in: equal decentralization across all features (solution penalty: 30)
  • 4 additional nodes would result in: equal decentralization across all features (solution penalty: 30)
  • 5 additional nodes would result in: (gets worse) the number of different Country actors decreases from 27 to 26 (solution penalty: 30)

Based on the calculated potential impact, not replacing additional nodes to improve optimization.

Note: the information below is provided for your convenience. Please independently verify the decentralization changes rather than relying solely on this summary.
Here is an explaination of how decentralization is currently calculated,
and there are also instructions for performing what-if analysis if you are wondering if another node would have improved decentralization more.

Decentralization Nakamoto coefficient changes for subnet tdb26-jop6k-aogll-7ltgs-eruif-6kk7m-qpktf-gdiqx-mxtrf-vb5e6-eqe:

  node_provider: 11.00 -> 11.00    (+0%)
    data_center: 13.00 -> 13.00    (+0%)
data_center_owner: 12.00 -> 12.00    (+0%)
             area: 9.00 -> 9.00    (+0%)
          country: 6.00 -> 6.00    (+0%)

Mean Nakamoto comparison: 10.20 → 10.20 (+0%)

Overall replacement impact: (gets better) the number of different Country actors increases from 26 to 27

Impact on business rules penalties: 30 → 30


Nodes removed:

  • onv2n-rm4ad-mgpnn-iiheu-6a76r-crgmo-wxpwt-dqf6y-n7gcf-5po4q-2qe [health: dead]

Nodes added:

  • dbpb7-eze6y-jdemh-2zemb-nuwhl-75ia7-xpwbf-26quj-2q4ok-u4ado-tqe [health: healthy]
    node_provider                                                              data_center            data_center_owner                                    area                             country        
    -------------                                                              -----------            -----------------                                    ----                             -------        
    3oqw6-vmpk2-mlwlx-52z5x-e3p7u-fjlcw-yxc34-lf2zq-6ub2f-v63hk-lae       1    ar1               1    Africa Data Centres                             1    Barreiro                    1    AR            1
    4dibr-2alzr-h6kva-bvwn2-yqgsl-o577t-od46o-v275p-a2zov-tcw4f-eae       1    ba1               1    Anonstake                                       1    British Columbia            1    AU       2 -> 1
    4fedi-eu6ue-nd7ts-vnof5-hzg66-hgzl7-liy5n-3otyp-h7ipw-owycg-uae       1    bc1               1    Baltneta                                        1    Brussels Capital            1    BE            1
    4jjya-hlyyc-s766p-fd6gr-d6tvv-vo3ah-j5ptx-i73gw-mwgyd-rw6w2-rae       1    bn1               1    Celeste                                         1    Bucuresti                   1    CA            2
    4r6qy-tljxg-slziw-zoteo-pboxh-vlctz-hkv2d-7zior-u3pxm-mmuxb-cae       1    bo1               1    Cloud9                                          1    CABA                        1    CH            3
    6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe       2    br1               1    CyrusOne                                        1    Cape Town                   1    CR            1
    6sq7t-knkul-fko6h-xzvnf-ktbvr-jhx7r-hapzr-kjlek-whugy-zt6ip-xqe       2    bt1               1    Cyxtera                                         1    Colombo                     1    CZ            2
    7at4h-nhtvt-a4s55-jigss-wr2ha-ysxkn-e6w7x-7ggnm-qd3d5-ry66r-cae       1    bu1               1    DataHouse                                       1    Gauteng                     2    DE       0 -> 1
    7ryes-jnj73-bsyu4-lo6h7-lbxk5-x4ien-lylws-5qwzl-hxd5f-xjh3w-mqe       1    cm1               1    Digital Realty                                  1    Geneva                      1    EE            1
    7uioy-xitfw-yqcko-5gpya-3lpsw-dw7zt-dyyyf-wfqif-jvi76-fdbkg-cqe       1    cr1               1    Equinix                                    1 -> 2    Hesse                  0 -> 1    FR            1
    bvcsg-3od6r-jnydw-eysln-aql7w-td5zn-ay5m6-sibd2-jzojt-anwag-mqe       2    ct2               1    Everyware                                       2    HongKong                    2    GE            1
    cgmhq-c4zja-yov4u-zeyao-64ua5-idlhb-ezcgr-cultv-3vqjs-dhwo7-rqe       1    fr2          0 -> 1    HighDC                                          1    Ljubljana                   1    HK            2
    dhywe-eouw6-hstpj-ahsnw-xnjxq-cmqks-47mrg-nnncb-3sr5d-rac6m-nae       1    ge1               1    INAP                                            1    London                      1    IL            1
    diyay-s4rfq-xnx23-zczwi-nptra-5254n-e4zn6-p7tqe-vqhzr-sd4gd-bqe       1    hk3               1    InfonetDC                                       1    Maribor                     1    IN            2
    efem5-kmwaw-xose7-zzhgg-6bfif-twmcw-csg7a-lmqvn-wrdou-mjwlb-vqe       1    hk4               1    Interhost                                       1    Massachusetts               1    JP            1
    eybf4-6t6bb-unfb2-h2hhn-rrfi2-cd2vs-phksn-jdmbn-i463m-4lzds-vqe       1    hu1               1    KT                                              1    Melbourne              1 -> 0    KR            2
    i3cfo-s2tgu-qe5ym-wk7e6-y7ura-pptgu-kevuf-2feh7-z4enq-5hz4s-mqe       1    jb2               1                                     1    Navi Mumbai                 1    LK            1
    i7dto-bgkj2-xo5dx-cyrb7-zkk5y-q46eh-gz6iq-qkgyc-w4qte-scgtb-6ae       1    jb3               1    Leaseweb                                        1    Panvel                      1    LT            1
    ihbuj-erwnc-tkjux-tqtnv-zkoar-uniy2-sk2go-xfpkc-znbb4-seukm-wqe  1 -> 0    kr1               1    M247                                            1    Paris                       1    LV            1
    ivf2y-crxj4-y6ewo-un35q-a7pum-wqmbw-pkepy-d6uew-bfmff-g5yxe-eae       1    ld1               1    Master Internet                                 1    Praha                       1    PL            1
    izmhk-lpjum-uo4oy-lviba-yctpc-arg4b-2ywim-vgoiu-gqaj2-gskmw-2qe       1    lj2               1    MasterDC                                        1    Quebec                      1    PT            1
    kos24-5xact-6aror-uofg2-tnvt6-dq3bk-c2c5z-jtptt-jbqvc-lmegy-qae       1    mb1               1    Megazone Cloud                                  1    Queensland                  1    RO            1
    lq5ra-f4ibl-t7wpy-hennc-m4eb7-tnfxe-eorgd-onpsl-wervo-7chjj-6qe       1    mn2          1 -> 0    NEXTDC                                     2 -> 1    Riga                        1    SG            2
    mme7u-zxs3z-jq3un-fbaly-nllcz-toct2-l2kp3-larrb-gti4r-u2bmo-dae       1    mtl1              1    Nano                                            1    San Jose                    1    SI            2
    nmdd6-rouxw-55leh-wcbkn-kejit-njvje-p4s6e-v64d3-nlbjb-vipul-mae       1    nm1               1    Navegalo                                        1    Seoul                       2    UK            1
    py2kr-ipr2p-ryh66-x3a3v-5ts6u-7rfhf-alkna-ueffh-hz5ox-lt6du-qqe       1    pa1               1    Online                                          1    Singapore                   2    US            3
    qsdw4-ao5ye-6rtq4-y3zhm-icjbj-lutd2-sbejz-4ajqz-pcflr-xrhsg-jae       1    pl2               1    OrionStellar                                    1    South Moravian Region       1    ZA            3
    r3yjn-kthmg-pfgmb-2fngg-5c7d7-t6kqg-wi37r-j7gy6-iee64-kjdja-jae       1    pr1               1                                       1    Tallinn                     1                   
    rbn2y-6vfsb-gv35j-4cyvy-pzbdu-e5aum-jzjg6-5b4n5-vuguf-ycubq-zae       1    rg3               1    Racks Central                                   1    Tbilisi                     1                   
    s5nvr-ipdxf-xg6wd-ofacm-7tl4i-nwjzx-uulum-cugwb-kbpsa-wrsgs-cae       1    sc1               1    Rivram                                          1    Tel Aviv                    1                   
    sixix-2nyqd-t2k2v-vlsyz-dssko-ls4hl-hyij4-y7mdp-ja6cj-nsmpf-yae       1    sg1               1    SyT - Servicios y Telecomunicaciones S.A.       1    Texas                       1                   
    sqhxa-h6ili-qkwup-ohzwn-yofnm-vvnp5-kxdhg-saabw-rvua3-xp325-zqe       1    sg3               1    TRG                                             1    Tokyo                       1                   
    ulyfm-vkxtj-o42dg-e4nam-l4tzf-37wci-ggntw-4ma7y-d267g-ywxi6-iae       1    sl1               1    Telin                                           1    Vilnius                     1                   
    unqqg-no4b2-vbyad-ytik2-t3vly-3e57q-aje2t-sjb5l-bd4ke-chggn-uqe       1    st1               1    Teraco                                          1    Virginia                    1                   
    vegae-c4chr-aetfj-7gzuh-c23sx-u2paz-vmvbn-bcage-pu7lu-mptnn-eqe       1    ta1               1    Xneelo                                          1    Warszawa                    1                   
    wdjjk-blh44-lxm74-ojj43-rvgf4-j5rie-nm6xs-xvnuv-j3ptn-25t4v-6ae       1    tb1               1    Yotta                                           1    Zurich                      2                   
    wdnqm-clqti-im5yf-iapio-avjom-kyppl-xuiza-oaz6z-smmts-52wyg-5ae  0 -> 1    tv1               1    hkcolo                                          1                                                    
    zy4m7-z5mhs-zfkpl-zlsjl-blrbx-mvvmq-5z4zu-mf7eq-hhv7o-ezfro-3ae       1    ty3               1    hkntt                                           1                                                    
                                                                               wa3               1                                                                                                         
                                                                               zh2               2                                                                                                         

Business rules check results before the membership change:

  • node_provider 6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe controls 2 of nodes, which is higher than target of 1 for the subnet. Applying penalty of 10.
  • data_center zh2 controls 2 of nodes, which is higher than target of 1 for the subnet. Applying penalty of 10.
  • data_center_owner Everyware controls 2 of nodes, which is higher than target of 1 for the subnet. Applying penalty of 10.

Business rules check results after the membership change:

  • node_provider 6nbcy-kprg6-ax3db-kh3cz-7jllk-oceyh-jznhs-riguq-fvk6z-6tsds-rqe controls 2 of nodes, which is higher than target of 1 for the subnet. Applying penalty of 10.
  • data_center zh2 controls 2 of nodes, which is higher than target of 1 for the subnet. Applying penalty of 10.
  • data_center_owner Equinix controls 2 of nodes, which is higher than target of 1 for the subnet. Applying penalty of 10.

Proposal id 134257

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Voted to adopt proposal #134257.

The proposal replaces dead Offline status node onv2n form Melbourne2, Australia with healthy Awaiting status node dbpb7 from Frankfurt2, Germany without affecting decentralization of the subnet and a slight positive increase in overall impact with regards to number of countries since Australia is decreasing from 2 to 1 and adding 1 for Germany in the mix.

Review from subnet thread:

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