Potential C2E Platform on the Internet Computer: Looking for Input From Experienced Developers

Note: If interested, send me a PM to discuss further, instead of replying to the thread.

I am working on a potential C2E (Code-to-Earn) Dapp which I think has major potential to legitimately disrupt a lot of the centralized solutions that are currently out there (Eg. UpWork, Toptal, etc.)

I am looking for any serious developers who would be interested in getting on a call with me to provide feedback on the following:

  1. Take a look at the feature list for both technical feasibility and service-market fit.

This would basically involve answering two major questions:

A) For each feature – “Can a Dapp on the Internet Computer do this today from a technical standpoint, or in the near future?”

B) Coming from the supply side of the labor market, would the Dapp’s value proposition be enticing enough for you to either switch from the freelancing solutions you are currently using (TopTal, UpWork, and so on) or leave your existing corporate employment if you were confident there were enough projects on the Dapp to provide you with a consistent amount of work?

C) What do you think a reasonable roadmap for the roll-out looks like, in terms of timing?

In terms of anything beyond some theoretical computer science and the basics of using various languages to do simple things (Motoko, Python, JS, etc.), I have very limited experience on launching full-scale applications.

I am looking to get the Dapp submitted in a formal application to the DFINITY Grant program, and I’ll be more than happy to include anybody who contributes to the consultations / feedback phase in some kind of token or equity allocation for the platform, etc.

If you see your name in the tagged list below, it’s because I thought might be interested in this post:

@skilesare @wang @jzxchiang