NNS dApp Suggestions for Hardware Controlled Wallets

Hi Guys,

I wanted to point out some things that are confusing on the NNS dApp. Today, the user experience for ledger device users is not great.

Lets say I create a hotkey for two different ledger devices to an Internet Identity. Lets call them Ledger Device A and Ledger Device B. Lets say each of those ledger devices has two neurons each. So, Ledger Device A (1) and Ledger Device A (2) and Ledger Device B (1) and Ledger Device B (2). 4 Neurons in total.

In the neuron staking tab, it is impossible to tell which two ledger devices are linked to each other (two are for ledger device a, and two are for ledger device b). All it states is “Hardware Controlled Wallet”.

Furthermore, if I spawn a new neuron from Ledger Device A, creating Ledger Device A (3), it also just shows “Hardware Controlled Wallet”. I have a suggestion. Given it is possible to name hardware wallets in the token section, the label “Hardware Controlled Wallet” should be replaced with the name of the ledger device, ex - “Ledger Device A”, and an (i) should appear next to the name which when you hover over it states “Hardware Controlled Wallet”.

Secondly, right now if one wants to spawn maturity using a hardware controlled wallet, it has to be 100% of the maturity. This is a poor user experience and not how people would like to interact with hardware wallets. This should be a priority.

Thirdly, the ledger device today cannot control SNS tokens or neurons. This is a MAJOR blocker for people who don’t want to rely on the security of II. I am sorry but it has been too long since the SNS launched for this not to exist. It really is a baseline for people who want to invest more into SNS projects.


Hey @dfisher, thank you for the feedback! As part of the new neurons table, we are planning to propose to add a new column called “controller” that would use the name you gave to your hardware wallet. Since it is possible hotkey neurons controlled by other identities like a different II or a principal created with quill, we will show these as principals in the same column, so it’s obvious which identity controls which neuron.

I will ask around to figure out what teams will need to be involved to allow maturity other 100% to be spawned.

Hardware wallets controlling SNS neurons is on our roadmap. It requires first for the Ledger to support the ICRC 21/25 signer standard. I don’t have full overview of the progress of implementing the standard in products DFINITY contributes to, but as I understand, there is progress being made on this front as well.

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Amazing thanks very much for the prompt response.

It might be too many columns, but as a suggestion, if one could label a neuron itself with a nickname that would be incredibly helpful. That goes for both hardware controlled wallets and non-hardware controlled wallets in II.

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That’s also on the roadmap, but with some twist. Once we get closer, I’ll make sure to put out a detailed forum post.

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Is it possible to make my icp neuron no longer controlled by a ledger/hardware wallet?

I first made my 8yr neuron in my II and later added my ledger as a hotkey, I didn’t realize that would make it impossible to remove the ledger from the neuron.

There is a way to do it with quill

If you created the neuron with II, you should be able to go to the neuron details page, scroll down and remove the hotkey.

Important to note, that the hotkeyed Ledger can only vote, or change following.

If you created the neuron with internet identity, then I would think you can remove the hotkey with the NNS dApp on the Neurons tab in the Hotkey section of the specific neuron. Is that not possible?