Nns can't login error

All the projects related to the icp ecology can’t be opened, I don’t know what happened?

Everything is ok via my iphone,
My phone and computer use the same network

An error message like the one displayed in your first screenshot usually occurs when there is a significant time difference between the local date and time set on your device (computer or mobile phone) and the IC.

Specified ingress_expiry not within expected range: Minimum allowed expiry: 2023-09-06 03:11:22.925597867 UTC Maximum allowed expiry: 2023-09-06 03:16:52.925597867 UTC Provided expiry: 2023-09-06 03:07:29.655
UTC Local replica time: 2023-09-06 03:11:22.925599310 UTC

Try adjust or review the time settings on your machine. This should help resolve the problem.

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Thank you so much my bro

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