Neuron hardly maturing

Your (maturity%) x (# of ICPs staked) has to reach above 1 in order for you to spawn a new neuron. So you can do the rough calculation. For your 8-years, you have 4% more to go.

In general, the more you spread your ICP in multiple neurons, the slower you get your spawned rewards. For me I just put all my ICPs in one neuron and compound my rewards back to it to maximize the speed.

You said- “I didn’t know how I could add ICP’s to the stakes, so I ignorently made new stakes”. There is an official guide here Guide: How to top-up an existing neuron. But what I did is just sending my tokens to my staked neuron address. You can find your neuron address by searching your wallet account on and you look for the transactions under your account and you should be able to find your neuron account.