My 15,000 plus ICP was stolen

Hello. A little over a couple of weeks ago someone stole my life’s savings that I put into ICP (over 15,000 icp). And I’m in the process of creating a proposal to freeze the main neuron, which will fully dissolve in about 5 months. And I need this proposal to pass, so that the thief can’t cash in. So that I have more time to allow the authorities to do what they need to do. I was looking for some feedback and/or suggestions to help get some support in getting this proposal approved. I have a great deal of info to prove that this neuron is rightfully mine. That I bought the ICP on an exchange, sent it to my hardware ledger, and then sent it to the NNS and created 2 neurons. 1 staked for 6 months and the other 500 icp staked for 5 years. I even know who stole the ICP from me. He was easy to track down. But now it’s in the hands of the authorities. But the main neuron will fully in 5 months. So I will need more time. Is anyone willing to express their thoughts on this? I’d like to know what I’m up against, and what things to include and/or exclude from the proposal. Thanks in advance.


I believe, that the NNS should indeed help with this. This is not only good from the ethical perspective, but it is something that distinguishes a completely self-custodial system from a DAO-managed one. It is a good use-case to demonstrate that you can get traditional recovery of funds, without being limited to a centralised entity controlling your money.

If you can provide sufficient proofs, I believe, we should all react. And maybe even create a special kind of user-flow for this kind of situations in the NNS dapp.


Thank you. That’s very encouraging to hear. I have a lot of evidence. I reported the situation to the authorities right away. But there was a good amount of time before I heard from an investigator. By that time I had already started looking into the owner of the number I was called from. Texted from. The website that was created to steal my internet id. The owner’s identity is protected. But I got the code behind the site and then a search warrant to get the owner’s identity. There will be a blanket search warrant to cover all info gained from the search warrants. I have the transactions from the exchange that I bought the ICP on, to the transaction of sending the ICP to my ledger, then from the ledger to the NNS. I have a reply from Dfinity’s support as they looked into evidence on their side of things to back up my claim of what happened on May 2nd. They acknowledged that the info is there.
Here’s a link to my ICP account records:

I think that if this passes it might be of help to someone else who’s had their ICP stolen too. Especially if there’s a user-flow setup for these kinds of situations on the NNS dapp like you suggested. That would be great!

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Someone gave me a great piece of advise. And that is to create a publicly accessible Youtube video with evidence presented. It’ll take me a little time to do the video as I am not familiar with how to do that. But what I just put together would be the evidence that I have on a simple website. That’s what I’ll be using as I do that video. Here’s what that site looks like now:

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Wait so you manually sent him your wallets with a phishing website and you want us to roll back the Chain?

Edit: I continued to read and it appears you gave him your seed phrase. What is the # rule of seed phrase? Not your keys not your coin.

I feel bad for you. But shit man wtf


I know. I can’t say that I don’t feel stupid looking back on it. But I was manipulated. Did you see the header info in them emails? He knew my SSN and driver’s license. He was logged into my account, while telling me that a hacker was doing it. And all of this was happening after a hell of a day at work, at 9pm. It was a perfect storm.


bro,I support you,I will vote yes


Thank you. Thank you.

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One of the biggest threats in cyber security is social engineering. It’s actually not as simple to prevent as one might assume.

There’s a common saying, defenders need to be successful 100% of the time. Attackers only need to be successful once.


Oh, Mylanta. Reading this made my butthole puker and it’s not even my account…

I’ll keep an eye out and vote in favor of you my friend. Not that my voting power is significant lol :man_shrugging:

This is literally one of my worst nightmares stg… I literally have this same exact fear when using/ submitting a help claim through Coinbase. Their “official” way of reaching out is about as sketchy as what happened here…

Knowing that makes me think, “yup this could happen”. Especially, with the “perfect storm”. Elch. People are awful.

This is why I’m super paranoid with my II and seed phrase/ recovery phrase, and am starting to think maybe finding a way to vote without being anywhere near my account and keeping any access to it at a bank.

Say this same scenario happens… except it’s not virtual… Someone could essentially kick in your door, and force you to sign your II over. Then while right in front of you change everything and essentially rob you. Like cartel/ mafia/ gang style.

To me, this is the same scenario but digital.

Anyways, I feel for ya…


Thank you for understanding. And thank you for your support!


Do you also still have a key to the neuron? If so, maybe you could increase the dissolve delay to get more time? (Even if someone else also has the key, they cannot revert that)


No. He took control of the Internet ID and then changed the seed phrase. So I can’t access the neurons at all.

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I hate hearing phishing stories. I hate thieves and scammers. I really hope you get your assets returned in full.

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Thank you very much!

Question is how do you prove that this wasn’t some kind of elaborate OTC deal and you are just asking NNS to rollback yours side…

Anyone who’s willingly discloses his seed phrase to a 3rd party deserves to lose 100% of his funds. Period.
I’m also talking to idgeek users…

This is the lesson we all learn eventually, some can skip the hard punishment, some cannot :confused:


As u were “just” asking for more time and not for rolling back a transfer I think this should be fine. But ask difinity how long it would take. Maybe a year or two are enough… and this would be easier to agree then the maximum time…

Please keep us updated.

Thank you for your reply. My thought about getting more time to work this out is just that. More time to find this person and hold him accountable. But it’s also a matter of removing this person from a position of power, which I feel is necessary to have a remote chance of getting this person to the bargaining table, if we can’t find him. And that doesn’t happen with just a longer countdown to dissolution. It’s more likely to happen when there is no countdown, until the neuron goes back to it’s rightful owner.

I have an investigation being carried out. After it happened to me I notified every applicable authority that I could think of. And I did my own research until I heard back from an authority. Still continued research even after that. Submitted phone records, received evidence found from the Dfinity team of actions taken that I claimed, I have the code from the site that was used on me, I called ICANN, and the registrar NameSilo, contacted the carrier of the phone number, they took the number down due to violations found… I was manipulated by someone who had my full SSN and DL #. Full access to my Kraken account. And used that to make me think I was about to lose my life’s savings. I had no idea where the attack was coming from. And the person on the phone with me wasn’t my first suspect. Looking back, yeah. It was stupid of me. But with all the context, the story is a little different.

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