Locked out of the IC after sending a transaction

Hi, nothing makes sense here. I’ve been experiencing an intermittent lack of connection to the IC for at least a year now. Usually I can fix it by rebooting, waiting, logging on to a VPN, but it’s getting worse.

Tonight I reinstalled Windows, completely clean install. Everything was fine for an hour until I sent a single transaction. Now every single IC hosted site times out. ic0.app, kongswap, icpswap, oc.app, the lot. They’re all white pages that take 30 seconds to tell me “connection timed out”.

Sometimes the downtime is 8 minutes, sometimes it’s 15, and sometimes it’s longer. It only starts at my first interaction with the IC, and there’s no rhyme or reason why it comes back. I’ve been trying everything, rebooting, ipconfig /renew, /flushdns.

When it’s going on I have checked my Android phone (on wifi from the same connection) and every single IC hosted site is timing out.

Has anybody experienced anything like this?

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TIL borovan is logging on from the fabled North Korean subnet.

Sounds like you have some caching going on…and/or you are getting your clock out of sync. Clocks cause a ton of problems and the replica will just silently tell you your request expired.

Make sure you set up your clock to auto sync on your os.

It certainly feels that way

I can even connect to the IC network smoothly from within China’s Great Firewall. Maybe you should consider switching to a different network provider.:rofl:

Have you tried a different DNS provider to rule out it’s an issue with your DNS provider?

I’ve set the local DNS to,, and that doesn’t seem to fix it. It’s just really odd, as if the ISP are manipulating the traffic or intercepting the packets and doing something funny with timestamps.

What really confused me was when I connected to various VPNs (USA, Albania, Algeria, France, UK) and the same issue happened. Like there’s an initial handshake and something gets saved in the browser and then connecting to a VPN doesn’t fix the issue.

Still in the dark here, if it happens again I’ll do more digging.

Ok hurrah, its fixed, thanks to Cartographer from DGDG.

I had so many tabs open that it was hitting the 100 connection limit and IP banning me for 10 minues. That’s why the same thing happened again when I logged onto the VPN. There must be some dapps that are opening a load of connections (DEXes, OC etc.)

At the same time my USB voltage went haywire and stopped my yubikey from working. All ok now.


iPad fixes this problem sir