Less ckbtc received

Hey all!

Today as a test I sent 0.00010913 btc to my nns btc wallet to get ckbtc. My wallet shows I received 0.00008913 ckbtc. This would mean a decrease of 18% btc, am I missing something?

The associated btc with my ckbtc wallet is:

Just need some fee, the amount is too small, so 18%, I think the fee is the same if you send more btc.

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Above link its a scam

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That could be the case indeed. I’ll send another larger transaction to test unless someone knows what transacting to a ckbtc wallet looks like in practice who can share their experiences. Before I only transacted icp to ckbtc instead.

The difference between the sent and received amount is exactly 2000 sats (that is, 0.00002 BTC), which is the current fee when converting bitcoin to ckBTC as documented on the ckBTC wiki page (search for kyt_fee).

It is correct that the fee does not increase when converting larger amounts.


That is exactly the difference. Thank you for clearing that up!