Issue with the Service Worker

Since a few days I’m having issues loading the content of my asset canister with the non-raw url :

The issue is coming from the service worker that cannot verify the body.
Here is the exact error I’m getting :

Has anyone experimented the same issue ?

Also, how to check the version of the service worker that is currently loaded on my browser ?


We are getting reports of this also over the past couple days.

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In my experience it happens when the payload exceeds the 2MB message limit size.

So, long-story short, during one of our rollouts of updates to the boundary nodes, we experienced some issues and had to fallback to the backup BNs, but the backup BNs have an outdated service worker that does not support streaming.

We have since fixed the issue and rolled the primary boundary nodes forward. Additionally, we are working to update the service worker on the backups to prevent this from occurring again.