Internet Identity Not working?

We couldn’t reach Internet Identity

We failed to call the Internet Identity service, please try again.

Error details:

Server returned an error: Code: 400 () Body: Specified ingress_expiry not within expected range: Minimum allowed expiry: 2024-01-29 19:14:14.731994260 UTC, Maximum allowed expiry: 2024-01-29 19:19:44.731994260 UTC, Provided expiry: 2024-01-29 19:08:44.768 UTC

Hi, try syncing your local device clock; this will likely resolve the error.


Thank you, immediate resolve.

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Good to hear that! I wish the error message would provide the solution or more context as it is often reported. Improving it might be on some backlog, somewhere already.

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Hi Boubou

This error message means that you are entering an invalid identity number when trying to sign-in. Please reach out to our support team for further assistance:

I have a similar error but it says like this: Sorry, there was an error loading the token metadata information. Server returned an error: Code: 400 () Body: Specified ingress_expiry not within expected range: Minimum allowed expiry: 2024-02-16 03:21:13.112432848 UTC, Maximum allowed expiry: 2024-02-16

@hermitrat20 this means your local device clock is out of sync. If you have a close to correct time it will work

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