Hey @PaulLiu@diegop have you come across this issue before? Is there someone from the engineering team that can help us follow up this with @bitbruce ?
The did file from the nns-ifaces repo is out-dated. That repo is a stop-gap measure before we open sourced ic. The updated did files can be found here: quill/candid at master · dfinity/quill · GitHub.
From the error message, it only affects decoding of the return message. So the command is already executed on the IC.
Soon dfx will support automatically downloading the did file from canisters, so that we won’t need to keep the did file manually.
Also, if you are dealing with neurons and ledger account, I recommend using quill or ic-repl, which have more native support for communicating with NNS and ledger canisters. See Home - Staking with Self-Custody