I failed to recharge cycle but lost 30icp

I found my missing icp at this address(https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/account/a721a85c2ec1f01003022d2d1bba09c70474eb5b07dd4f45012edc21e587371f), then I called notify_top_up and it shows the following error,
{‘InvalidTransaction’: ‘Intent in the block (0 == unrecognized: Memo(0)) different than in the notification (1347768404 == TopUp)’}}

how should I get back this 30 icp, thanks

@jennifertran can you help me ser?

  1. What is the full command you use for top-up?
  2. What canister did you try to top up?

I use the notify_top_up function of rkp4c-7iaaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai for recharging
canister :y6ifo-2qaaa-aaaai-qpgpa-cai

it seems that you did not set the (correct) memo so the transfer is recognized as a topup.


available Memos;

There seems to be a refund_icp method but its not exposed for external use, so i’m afraid your funds are stuck at this moment

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Your analysis is very correct, so is there any way I can get a refund? Thank you for your time.

There is no exposed call on the cycles minting canister to trigger a transfer, but it would make sense to add such a call to the CMC imo. Other question, are you the controller of the canister you wanted to top up?

yes, i am the controller of the canister

Ok, for now there isnt anything that can be done, i requested adding some functionality to the CMC canister Extend cycles minting canister functionality. But for next time I would suggest using something like https://www.icptopup.com/ which makes it a lot easier to top up canisters

thank you ser,nice job