Local ICP ledger transfer test error?

Execute Function:

dfx canister call delta topUpICP "(\"55e47c8bf6b9d8df5ab02d9ace26c212424b644dcc9cdef59e74f0243ae80055\",1)"

function code:

  public func topUpICP(address : Hex.Hex, amount : Nat) : async ICPledger.TransferResult {
    switch (Hex.decode(address)) {
      case (#ok(accountIdentifier)) {
        let (isOk, accIdPart) = LedgerAccount.validateAccountIdentifier(accountIdentifier);
        if (not isOk) {
          Debug.trap("AccountIdentifier verification failed");
        let principal = Principal.fromBlob(Blob.fromArray(accountIdentifier));
        Debug.print(debug_show (principal));
        await ICPledger.icrc1_transfer({
          from_subaccount = null; //?Blob.fromArray(LedgerAccount.defaultSubaccount());
          to = {
            owner = principal;
            subaccount = null;
          amount = amount * 10 ** 8;
          fee = null;
          memo = null;
          created_at_time = null;
      case (#err(err)) {

Error result:

Error: Failed update call.
Caused by: Failed update call.
  The replica returned a replica error: Replica Error: reject code CanisterReject, reject message IC0503: Canister br5f7-7uaaa-aaaaa-qaaca-cai trapped explicitly: failed to decode call arguments: Custom(Fail to decode argument 0 from table0 to record {
  to : record { owner : principal; subaccount : opt vec nat8 };
  fee : opt nat;
  memo : opt vec nat8;
  from_subaccount : opt vec nat8;
  created_at_time : opt nat64;
  amount : nat;

Caused by:
    0: input: 4449444c076c06fbca0106c6fcb60202ba89e5c20405a2de94eb060382f3f3910c01d8a38ca80d7d6e786e7d6e046d7b6e046c02b3b0dac30368ad86ca8305030100012055e47c8bf6b9d8df5ab02d9ace26c212424b644dcc9cdef59e74f0243ae80055_000000000080c2d72f
       table: type table0 = record {
         25_979 : table6;
         5_094_982 : table2;
         1_213_809_850 : table5;
         1_835_347_746 : table3;
         3_258_775_938 : table1;
         3_573_748_184 : nat;
       type table1 = opt nat64
       type table2 = opt nat
       type table3 = opt table4
       type table4 = vec nat8
       type table5 = opt table4
       type table6 = record { 947_296_307 : principal; 1_349_681_965 : table3 }
       wire_type: principal, expect_type: principal
    1: Deserialize error: Deserialize error: Bytes is longer than 29 bytes.), error code None

ICPledger deployed according to official guidelines:

You’re encoding the older hex ICP address format to bytes and then try to create a Principal from it. This will result in an invalid Principal (larger than 29 bytes, principals within Rust canisters like the ledger have a length limit check that’s currently missing in Motoko).

As I mentioned in your other forum post, you can’t send to this address format with the ICRC1 method. You’ll need to use the older transfer method or ask the user for his address in the newer ICRC1 format.