Http outcall stopped

Why suddenly HttpOutCall not working, what happened?

Here is the error:
Call failed:
Canister: xqsqi-eimaa-aaaxi-q3kxa-cai
Method: getData(update)
“Request ID”: “2a45904a2600a10a888d8f7c74b4685ba45c0e6327a84d5889625865285db949”
“Error code”: “IC0406”
“Reject code”: “4”
“Reject message”: “Connecting to failed: Failed to directly connect: hyper_util::client::legacy::Error(SendRequest, hyper::Error(Http2, Error { kind: Reset(StreamId(1), PROTOCOL_ERROR, Remote) }))”

Can you share the whole request? We suspect it’s because of the headers you send

let request_headers = [
  { name = "Host"; value = host # ":443" },
  { name = "User-Agent"; value = "icp_google_agent" },
  { name = "Content-Type"; value = "application/json" },
  { name = "Idempotency-Key"; value = idempotency_key },
  { name = "accept"; value = "text/plain" },
    name = apiEndpointSettings.api_key; 
    value = apiEndpointSettings.api_key_value; 

It always worked

  func _processRequest(idempotency_key : Text, body : Text, resource : Text, verb : HttpOutCallVerb) : async Text {
    let ic : OutcallsTypes.IC = actor ("aaaaa-aa");
    let host : Text =;
    let url = apiEndpointSettings.url # resource;
    let request_headers = [
      { name = "Host"; value = host # ":443" },
      { name = "User-Agent"; value = "icp_google_agent" },
      { name = "Content-Type"; value = "application/json" },
      { name = "Idempotency-Key"; value = idempotency_key },
      { name = "accept"; value = "text/plain" },
        name = apiEndpointSettings.api_key; 
        value = apiEndpointSettings.api_key_value; 

    let request_body_as_Blob : Blob = Text.encodeUtf8(body);
    let request_body_as_nat8 : [Nat8] = Blob.toArray(request_body_as_Blob);

    let transform_context : OutcallsTypes.TransformContext = {
      function = transform;
      context = Blob.fromArray([]);

    let max_response_bytes_nat : Nat = 2000000;
    let max_response_bytes_nat64 : ?Nat64 = ?(Nat64.fromNat(max_response_bytes_nat));

    let http_request : OutcallsTypes.HttpRequestArgs = {
      url = url;
      max_response_bytes = max_response_bytes_nat64; //optional for request
      headers = request_headers;
      body = ?request_body_as_nat8;
      method = verb;
      transform = ?transform_context;


    let http_response : OutcallsTypes.HttpResponsePayload = await ic.http_request(http_request);
    let response_body : Blob = Blob.fromArray(http_response.body);
    let status_code : Nat = http_response.status;
    let decoded_text : Text = switch (Text.decodeUtf8(response_body)) {
      case (null) { "Error: Unable to decode response. Status code: " # Nat.toText(status_code) };
      case (?y) { "Status code: " # Nat.toText(status_code) # ", Body: " # y };
    return decoded_text;


  public query func transform(raw : OutcallsTypes.TransformArgs) : async OutcallsTypes.CanisterHttpResponsePayload {
    let transformed : OutcallsTypes.CanisterHttpResponsePayload = {
      status = raw.response.status;
      body = raw.response.body;
      headers = [
          name = "Content-Security-Policy";
          value = "default-src 'self'";
          name = "Referrer-Policy";
          value = "strict-origin";
          name = "Permissions-Policy";
          value = "geolocation=(self)";
          name = "Strict-Transport-Security";
          value = "max-age=63072000";
          name = "X-Frame-Options";
          value = "DENY";
          name = "X-Content-Type-Options";
          value = "nosniff";

There was a recent change in the HTTPS Outcall feature to support HTTP/2.
We didn’t anticipate this to be a breaking change, but it turned out that HTTP/2 doesn’t support setting the Host header in the request.

Please try to remove the following line, then the outcall should work again.


Problem is solved now, thanks for your time!

    let request_headers = [
      { name = "authority"; value = host},
      { name = "path"; value = resource},
      { name = "scheme"; value = "https" },
      { name = "User-Agent"; value = "agent007" },
      { name = "Content-Type"; value = "application/json" },
      { name = "Idempotency-Key"; value = idempotency_key },
      { name = "accept"; value = "text/plain" },
        name = settings.api_key; 
        value = settings.api_key_value; 
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