Local HTTP (ic-https-outcalls-adapter) cache|cleanup and errors

This is a follow-up of the issue I had yesterday (thread) which is actually not solved.

If I start a fresh container locally and perform some HTTP outcalls, everything is fine but, if I stop my replica and container and start it again, then all HTTP outcalls start failing with following error:

qe/ic_replicated_state/subnet_call_context_manager Received the response for HttpRequest with callback id 5 from CanisterId(jx5yt-yyaaa-aaaal-abzbq-cai)
juno-satellite-1 | 2024-02-29 08:19:15.468552131 UTC: [Canister jx5yt-yyaaa-aaaal-abzbq-cai] HTTP request error. RejectionCode: SysTransient, Error: error trying to connect: Connection refused (os error 111)

Therefore Iā€™m guessing the root cause of my issue seems to be linked to ic-https-outcalls-adapter or some related tool when deployed locally.

Does that tool preserve some sort of cache or need to be cleared each time it is started?
Or does the tool requires some specific flag when started again?

This is how ic-https-outcalls-adapter is mounted in my container:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# Note: "The socks proxy field needs to be set but is not relevant for local development."
# Source: https://forum.dfinity.org/t/failed-to-add-canister-http-request-to-queue-brokenconnection/27434/6?u=peterparker
function create_config() {
  cat << EOF > "$CONFIG_PATH"
  "incoming_source": {
    "Path": "$SOCK_PATH"
  "socks_proxy": "socks5://notaproxy:1080",
  "logger": {
    "level": "error"

if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_PATH" ]; then

./target/ic-https-outcalls-adapter "$CONFIG_PATH"

Ah just noticed

juno-satellite-1 | Feb 29 08:30:55.295 INFO s:/n:/ic_starter/ic_starter Executing ā€œ./target/replicaā€ ā€œā€“replica-versionā€ ā€œ0.9.0ā€ ā€œā€“config-fileā€ ā€œ/juno/.juno/replica/ic.json5ā€
juno-satellite-1 | thread ā€˜mainā€™ panicked at rs/async_utils/src/unix.rs:24:52:
juno-satellite-1 | Failed to bind path.: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: ā€œAddress already in useā€ }

When I re-start. So probably some cleanup or service not properly closed when the image is stopped.

Now, how? Yeah itā€™s on me. I should either stop/cleanup the services on stop or start only once.

Actually no, when it restrats, it start without state therefore no reason it fails nor a port to be open.

juno-satellite-1 | thread ā€˜mainā€™ panicked at rs/async_utils/src/unix.rs:24:52:
juno-satellite-1 | Failed to bind path.: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: ā€œAddress already in useā€ }
juno-satellite-1 | note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
juno-satellite-1 | ./docker/ic-https-outcalls-adapter: line 26: 17 Aborted ./target/ic-https-outcalls-adapter ā€œ$CONFIG_PATHā€

I trimmed my script and I think that the logs above are thrown by ic-https-outcalls-adapter when restarting the container.

juno-satellite-1 | Failed to bind path.: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: ā€œAddress already in useā€ }
juno-satellite-1 | note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
juno-satellite-1 | ./docker/ic-https-outcalls-adapter: line 24: 15 Aborted ./target/ic-https-outcalls-adapter ā€œ$CONFIG_PATHā€

This explains my original thread issue and why I coulndā€™t do an HTTP outcall I guess.

Iā€™m out of idea. Given there is to my knowledge absolutely zero documentation, @tim1 can you maybe share a hint or where to look at?

(mostly guessing) I suspect it is caused that the socket is not properly cleaned up. I suggest that in your mounting script you add rm $SOCK_PATH in the beginning.

Let me know if this didnā€™t help and I will take a better look at the issue.

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Thanks Tim! I was actually about to comment that. For some reason, it seems I indeed must delete first the socket path otherwise it fails. Weirdly enough there is no socket open, PID=$(lsof -t $SOCKET_PATH) returns empty but, nevertheless, rm $SOCK_PATH is the solution. :man_shrugging:

#!/usr/bin/env bash


# Clean-up previous socket file otherwise the ic-https-outcalls-adapter cannot starts again and make HTTP Outcalls fails when the container is restarted
# See: https://forum.dfinity.org/t/local-http-ic-https-outcalls-adapter-cache-cleanup-and-errors/27992
rm $SOCK_PATH 2> /dev/null

# Note: "The socks proxy field needs to be set but is not relevant for local development."
# Source: https://forum.dfinity.org/t/failed-to-add-canister-http-request-to-queue-brokenconnection/27434/6?u=peterparker
function create_config() {
  cat << EOF > "$CONFIG_PATH"
  "incoming_source": {
    "Path": "$SOCK_PATH"
  "socks_proxy": "socks5://notaproxy:1080",
  "logger": {
    "level": "error"

if [ ! -f "$CONFIG_PATH" ]; then

./target/ic-https-outcalls-adapter "$CONFIG_PATH"