Failed to add canister http request to queue BrokenConnection

I bet I’ve got something incorrectly in my custom Docker container but, did not found the solution so far. Does the following error message resulting of an HTTP Outcalls rings a bell to anyone?

Failed to add canister http request to queue BrokenConnection

I’m using the sample provided in the example repo. Basically a copy/paste minus adding enough cycles to http_request call.


    // 2.1 Setup the URL and its query parameters
    type Timestamp = u64;
    let start_timestamp: Timestamp = 1682978460; //May 1, 2023 22:01:00 GMT
    let seconds_of_time: u64 = 60; //we start with 60 seconds
    let host = "";
    let url = format!(

    // 2.2 prepare headers for the system http_request call
    //Note that `HttpHeader` is declared in line 4
    let request_headers = vec![
        HttpHeader {
            name: "Host".to_string(),
            value: format!("{host}:443"),
        HttpHeader {
            name: "User-Agent".to_string(),
            value: "exchange_rate_canister".to_string(),

    // This struct is legacy code and is not really used in the code. Need to be removed in the future
    // The "TransformContext" function does need a CONTEXT parameter, but this implementation is not necessary
    // the TransformContext(transform, context) below accepts this "context", but it does nothing with it in this implementation.
    // bucket_start_time_index and closing_price_index are meaninglesss
    let context = Context {
        bucket_start_time_index: 0,
        closing_price_index: 4,

    //note "CanisterHttpRequestArgument" and "HttpMethod" are declared in line 4
    let request = CanisterHttpRequestArgument {
        url: url.to_string(),
        method: HttpMethod::GET,
        body: None,               //optional for request
        max_response_bytes: None, //optional for request
        transform: None,          //optional for request
        headers: request_headers,

    match http_request_out(request, 2_000_000_000).await {
        Ok((response,)) => {

        Err((r, m)) => {
            let message =
                format!("The http_request resulted into error. RejectionCode: {r:?}, Error: {m}");


I start the replica with the subnet feature enabled.

./target/ic-starter --replica-path ./target/replica \
                    --http-port "$REPLICA_PORT" \
                    --state-dir "$STATE_REPLICA_DIR" \
                    --create-funds-whitelist '*' \
                    --subnet-type application \
                    --ecdsa-keyid Secp256k1:juno_test_key \
                    --log-level info \
                    --use-specified-ids-allocation-range \
                    --consensus-pool-backend lmdb \
                    --subnet-features canister_sandboxing \
                    --subnet-features http_requests

I guess the reason is this other error

Unable to connect to the canister http adapter. No UDS path provided.

So I should path --canister-http-uds-path to the replica but, not sure what value.

Ah, I bet I need this adapter that is so well documented that there isn’t even a README file in the repo

Mmmh ./ic-https-outcalls-adapter takes a config file path as argument but, no idea which proxy? icx-proxy? in what form?

Mmmh probably something like that

  "incoming_source": "Systemd",
  "logger": {
    "level": "error"

or like that

   "incoming_source": {
                    "Path": "/tmp/path.socket"
  "logger": {
    "level": "error"

But not sure about Systemd or path. Comment just says “The source of the unix domain socket to be used for inter-process communication”.

Yes, you are correct that you also need the https outcalls adapter. The adapter is a process that runs alongside the replica and does all the network requests. It communicates through a Unix domain socket with the replica.

The following setup should work. It connects the adapter and the replica through a common socket.

For the replica:
./target/ic-starter --canister_http_uds_path /tmp/sock ...
For the adapter

  "incoming_source": {
    "Path": "/tmp/sock"
  "socks_proxy": "socks5://notaproxy:1080",
  "logger": {
    "level": "error"

The socks proxy field needs to be set but is not relevant for local development.

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That’s great @tim1, thanks! It works out :white_check_mark:

juno-satellite-1 | Feb 08 17:37:32.544 INFO s:jeyzo-fzy76-vwlp3-oogqe-3ckkt-bppib-zhdbz-owx7x-exsbl-q5fdn-zae/n:3blso-sjaux-cxtqy-sunhm-wxhov-cbsfx-d4ejl-h3dv7-ksoty-qje57-zae/ic_replicated_state/subnet_call_context_manager Received the response for HttpRequest with callback id 6 from CanisterId(jx5yt-yyaaa-aaaal-abzbq-cai)

Not yet merged but, if anyone is looking to integrate HTTP outcalls in a Docker container, that’s my PR to integrate this in juno-docker.