such as:
#[update(guard = "user_owner_guard")]
fn delete_wallet(wallet_addr: String) -> Result<bool, String> {
CONTEXT.with(|c| {
let mut ctx = c.borrow_mut();
let user = ctx.env.caller();
.delete_wallet(&user, wallet_addr)
I tried this
dfx canister call backend delete_wallet "b76rz-axcfs-swjig-bzzpx-yt5g7-2vcpg-wmb7i-2mz7s-upd4f-mag4c-yae"
but not work .
The replica returned a replica error: Replica Error: reject code CanisterReject, reject message caller is not owner, error code None
which is a command need the ic_cdk::caller() function.
I have read the offical doc . but didnt find out solution.