We have recently updated to dfx 0.13.1
and ic-cdk = "0.8.0-beta.0"
in Azle’s implementation to take advantage of the new ic_cdk::export::candid::define_function!
macro, and our http outcalls tests are passing but we’re getting this output in the replica logs:
FIX ME! record { 340_962_072 : table3; 427_267_567 : table4 } <: opt record {
function : func (
record {
context : vec nat8;
response : record {
status : nat;
body : vec nat8;
headers : vec record { value : text; name : text };
) -> (
record {
status : nat;
body : vec nat8;
headers : vec record { value : text; name : text };
) query;
context : vec nat8;
} via special opt rule.
This means the sender and receiver type has diverged, and can cause data loss.
I’ve tried so many variations of the following code, I don’t know what’s going on:
export async function xkcdRaw(): Promise<Manual<HttpResponse>> {
const httpResult = await ic.callRaw(
record {
url = "https://xkcd.com/642/info.0.json";
max_response_bytes = 2_000 : nat64;
method = variant { get };
headers = vec {};
body = null;
transform = record { function = func "${ic
.toString()}".xkcdTransform; context = vec {} };
match(httpResult, {
Ok: (httpResponse) => ic.replyRaw(httpResponse),
Err: (err) => ic.trap(err)
What’s wrong with that candid string? This code, which doesn’t use call raw, works fine:
export async function xkcd(): Promise<HttpResponse> {
const httpResult = await managementCanister
url: `https://xkcd.com/642/info.0.json`,
max_response_bytes: 2_000n,
method: {
get: null
headers: [],
body: null,
transform: {
function: [ic.id(), 'xkcdTransform'],
context: Uint8Array.from([])
return match(httpResult, {
Ok: (httpResponse) => httpResponse,
Err: (err) => ic.trap(err)