Thanks for the suggestion, when I run dfx start -background it did not recognized argument -background
So I ran only dfx start, this is what I got It asked for firewall permision which I granted, and run it again, but with the same message:
/dfinity/hello_world$ dfx start
⠂ Checking client!
Jul 14 13:21:56.331 INFO Dfinity Replica Started
Jul 14 13:21:56.333 INFO Generated node ID: 100
thread ‘main’ panicked at ‘Permissions too open for path /mnt/c/Users/Marko/documents/dfinity/hello_world/.dfx/state/crypto_store’, crypto/src/crypto_service_provider/secret_key_store/
⠓ Replica exited with signal: 6
client address: “http://localhost:55030”
binding to: V4(
⠒ Client bound at 55030
An error occured:
Thanks for the suggestions, I have played with it, done all you have suggested, installed new 0.6.0 verios of dfx but still getting the same problem :(((((
Version v0.6.0 installed successfully.
⠉ Checking replica!
thread ‘main’ panicked at ‘Permissions too open for path /mnt/c/Users/Marko/Documents/dfinity/hello_world/.dfx/state/replicated_state/node-100/crypto’, crypto/src/crypto_service_provider/secret_key_store/
here is another one
I have tried exactly what you have suggested and a couple more variations… Any other suggestions?
/hello_world/src/hello_world$ dfx start --background
⠂ Pinging the Internet Computer replica…
thread ‘main’ panicked at ‘Permissions too open for path /mnt/c/Users/Marko/Documents/dfinity/hello_world/.dfx/state/replicated_state/node-100/crypto’, crypto/src/crypto_service_provider/secret_key_store/
⠲ Replica exited with exit code: 101
It looks like you might be running this using Windows Subsystem for Linux and saving your project on the mounted Windows drive? If so, this will have issues because of the way WSL handles the mounted drive.
Windows isn’t officially supported yet, but if you:
Use WSL version 2, and
Create your project in the WSL filesystem instead of on the mount, eg in ~/