Error Deploying Canister on Playground

I am getting an error when deploying on Playground, but the same canister successfully deployed on a local replica

The command I use to deploy: dfx deploy --argument ‘()’ providers --playground --no-wallet

Failed while trying to register all canisters.
Failed to reserve canister ‘providers’.
Failed to reserve canister at the playground.
The replica returned a replica error: Replica Error: reject code CanisterError, reject message Canister mwrha-maaaa-aaaab-qabqq-cai trapped explicitly: IDL error: too few arguments r(nonce:N,timestamp:I)r(origin:t,tags:vt), error code None

Does your code expect init arguments? It sounds like it expects some but there aren’t any

There are no initialization arguments. Initially, I deployed using version “dfx 0.15.0-ext.0,” but subsequently, I upgraded to “dfx 0.15.0-beta.6,” which resolved the previous error. However, I have encountered a new error since the upgrade.

Error: Failed to create AgentEnvironment.
Caused by: Failed to create AgentEnvironment.
Network not found: playground

What is the network configuration of the playground?
I tried to copy the config of “ic” in “playground” in network.json

I tried to deploy again, but encountered this error

Failed to get wallet canister caller for identity ‘default’ on network ‘playground’.
Failed to get wallet for identity ‘default’ on network ‘playground’.
Failed to create wallet for identity ‘default’ on network ‘playground’.
Failed create canister call.
The replica returned a replica error: Replica Error: reject code CanisterReject, reject message Caller fu727-7jdc5-rsfnw-jhdwu-n7ne3-4j4mc-7pvb4-bivf6-emr4q-q4svi-oqe is not allowed to call ic00 method provisional_create_canister_with_cycles, error code Some(“IC0516”)

Ah, turns out there was a security update to the playground and this PR needs to be merged into dfx for it to work again. It’ll certainly be in the official 0.15.0 release.

Don’t configure it yourself if you want to use the default playground feature. The definition is here

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The official 0.15.0 has been released, but the error continues to occur.

dfx deploy --network=playground       
Error: Failed to create AgentEnvironment.
Caused by: Failed to create AgentEnvironment.
  Network not found: playground

It seems that dfx deploy --playground is not available.

dfx deploy --playground
error: unexpected argument '--playground' found

  tip: to pass '--playground' as a value, use '-- --playground'

Usage: dfx deploy [OPTIONS] [CANISTER_NAME]

Welp… turns out I was wrong. --playground will be released with 0.15.1 and I plan to make that release next week. Sorry about that :frowning_face:

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Hey @Severin
Any idea when dfx 0.15.1 will be out? Or how to make --playground work with 0.15.0?
I have a workshop planned on the 6th of October to introduce, and I have great hopes to use --playground for it!

0.15.1-beta.1 is out since yesterday. I’ll ask tonight in standup if we can release it by Thursday


I just released 0.15.1. You can install it with

DFX_VERSION=0.15.1 sh -ci "$(curl -fsSL"

I tested dfx deploy --playground a few times and it worked. Please use it and let me know how it went. I put a lot of time into --playground and would love to get some feedback :slightly_smiling_face:

I encountered this error
The replica returned a replica error: reject code CanisterReject, reject message IC0503: Canister ozk6r-tyaaa-aaaab-qab4a-cai trapped explicitly: Panicked at 'calledResult::unwrap()on anErr value: WasmParse("Bad magic number (at offset 0)")',, error code None

Ah, here we go with bad error messages… The playground doesn’t accept gzipped wasms

And playground only accepts wasm size upto 2MB, and also didn’t supports chunks upload, right?

Probably even less than 2MB. It has to analyse every wasm so people can’t exfiltrate cycles. Asset canister wasms are explicitly whitelisted. There, chunked uploads do work

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