Dfinity relationship to Bob?

Hi. I have seen many employees of Dfinity supporting Bob. Some are fudding the other projects that have come out with mining. I am confused about this because the other project is a Dfinity grantee, and his project is open source. The chart looks bad, but it is because he made a mistake when adding liquidity. Other than that, the project is working fine.

Bob is having a lot of issues since start. If you look in the chat, there is constant problems. Many are complaining about not being able to mine or find blocks, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to finding blocks. It is not proof-of-work evidently. But now Dfinity is going to audit their code?

This is unfair to builders in the ecosystem and keeping the source closed while Dfinity employees agree it’s the best practice is shocking. I would like to hear from others about if Dfinity plans to operate like this in the future. Attacking open source developers while promoting closed source projects with broken code.


I haven’t seen anything like that happening.
BOB just got everyone’s attention first.
You can’t blame the community for not being that interested in other projects doing the same.
IMO the Burn project got it backwards.

Unlike other similar projects, BURN doesn’t waste IC’s compute power, loading nodes with useless tasks. Instead, it uses special API, which allows it to burn ICP (cycles) much faster, without any negative impact on the network and the environment!

My opinion - It’s not about burning tokens. It’s about utilizing the IC - even doing useless tasks if you can’t figure something useful. Otherwise why not just burn ICP or BTC and hope you mine a valuable token.

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Andrew from Dfinity has been openly critical of the other projects on Twitter and heavily on Telegram. There is countless reports of people having problems. Respectfully you are being willfully obtuse to pretend not to see the favoritism being played. Bob has actually dumped harder…but the price is not relevant. He had a poll asking if Dfinity should audit Bob…

The burn project was “better” by all metrics except Dfinity shilling it and price. Bob has already had hacks and still has countless issues…this is not about burn or bob but dfinity employees attacking the community to promote closed source projects they are invesged in.


Agreed. It’s been a bad look for dfinity and andrew specifically for heavily shilling and promoting a closed source project that seemingly doesn’t even do what it claims to do (PoW)


Does BOB have other plans? The currency price is going to fall. . :sweat_smile:


The price is not relevant but it has declined substantially and still no talk of open sourcing and it seems that all talk of an audit from dfinity has ended.