Detoxify the IC Community

You may have misjudged me, my intention, or my reasoning behind the post. Admittedly, I did not fully equipped myself with community expectations of the forum. My knee-jerk emotional response did not help my case at all. I was emotionally charged that I will acknowledge for sure. I 100% was projecting some of my own biases and opinions in language used initially, and moving forward making me a hypocrite to some degree I’ll humbly/ graciously admit. I am (as I mentioned I am only a mere student here). However, I am not advocating for censorship by any means. In hindsight referencing Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory was/ may have been poor choice for the space perhaps. I know I am still fairly new, and the community has not properly interacted, nor engaged with me beyond the bits of what interactions we may have had, I only use social media apps developed by all of the amazing developers on the IC and this (no twitter anymore). Which brings me back to original point where I now see this was not perhaps the most appropriate setting, or way to go about it.
Either way, I used to many fancy Carl Jung references (because I’m a Jung fanboy), then my Karl Marx socialist theories was not so much for the socialist perspective his image can sometimes represent, and more on how to use the theory in context of various areas of organizational communication settings. Only as a frame work to understand these situations as they arise in ways that help build and shape communities, much like devs shape and build digital projects IMO and I did not use enough relevant material that would be considered inclusive/ on the other side/ different theoretical approaches or valid context to my concerns here on the IC. Also, I 100% agree I need to/ will continue working on writing more concessively, with more relevant information in the accustomed or unspoken manner the community pre-established itself with. I was perhaps most embarrassed by this aspect of my post.

I take criticism well, just not attempts to diminish my integrity as a person or faith in the IC, or make me call out individuals in a public way that could deter anyone from speaking out in the future. Which is why I over shot my cards with seeking to hit, or tone in on the audience (in a way that was obviously not perceived well). I am here for all the same objectives, as the communitty perhaps for different reasons though. I do believe we all need (including myself to do a better job) at not making preconceived notions of each other and make room for an inclusive environment. In full disclosure, I have learning disabilities, and humbly admit where they can sometimes be problematic in my writing domineer, and perhaps spoke to my own shortcomings that this post failed in.
You raise a valid point on being able to debate things (as even I myself would have liked to have seen). I am open for true debate. Not when its an out right attack or demoralizing of anyones (including my own) personal belief systems, which is the point of freedom of speech, to be able to have these differences and not feel community repercussions. EVEN if I was a die hard marxists (which it happens I’m not). I’m just a fan of the theoretical frameworks he established in areas that help make sense of other things. I should still be allowed to post about it and not have the community demoralize me and make personal provoking attacks etc., etc… Otherwise, that is not freedom of speech IMO, it’s really just an echo chamber is it not? (I’m asking you tell me), and hey they can be fun don’t get me wrong. I

I don’t believe this was intended, or I intended on being/ making it a debate though, and more for the advocacy of collaboration and unity through the conflicts we face, and the ever evolving pieces to a our community.

It was a Huge learning experience and truly tested my own waters within the developing community to see the reactions, support and quick decisive action actually taken by leadership. Which if anything showed me they care enough to work with me through what appears to be something more than I bargained for. I think I really like @plsak comment most where he highlighted (not only) dev/ community leads but everyone including myself which obviously i owned/ admitted. I think some took this personally, and this was not my intention.I merely wanted to talk about this in some fashion. Otherwise, how would any of us (including myself) address it. Personally, that is what freedom of speech represent to me as an individual.

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Stop being a snowflake. Icp is a great community and nobody needs to waste their time with your post. Stop wining. Everyone has the right to treat how they want on the internet, it’s free speech. Something your commie book doesn’t know about. The team is building a decentralized web. Decentralized web should support the freedom of speech. If someone hurts your feelings. Tough shit grow up. If you want to learn some stuff. Read through the forums and do some research. No dev is going to waste their time with simple questions that have been answered here a dozen times. Grow up and grow a pair commie

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Quiet strange to me that in the same post, you are telling him to shut up and promote free speech. You only shitpost back to him. I do not see the value of this. Overall, I think that many proposals and other stuff have divided the community and everything to suppress that division would be beneficial for IC.
May be would be more productive to listen and understand why some people are so deceptive from IC, but are stuck in 8 years lock up because, at some point, there were really committed and strong believer to the network and from there, try to find solutions all together.

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This comment probably proves OP’s point tbh.


Thanks for saying something. I’m not mad personally. Sometimes when things happen though I do want and think I can just click dissolve lol I’m here for 8- 20 years is what I like to say when I’m emotionally heated. however when obvious things happen in various spaces of the iC it’s like where do I go where this stops? It took me a long time to commit for the 8- 20 years, and yes it still has its moment and I just invested/ became heavily involved lol it’s a journey though. I’m literally learning a whole new profession just for fun. I don’t blame newer users seeking the answers. This tech and blockchain is fun and I love the community except when things like this constantly occur. It demoralizes the entire space. It isn’t just with new users. This happens at all levels in the community. It was what I was trying to speak to, start a conversation about, and possibly inspire this great development team to be better overall.Ironically, I realize now I was not meaning this towards the foundation and rather certain developing projects within the space. Which was also embarrassing in itself. However, the newer users coming across FUD Fear Uncertainty and doubt should be met with FUD Facts Understanding and Determination. Not, silencing them with aggressive, provocative language and obscene comments.

If anything its individuals like this that make me still happy to be here, I encourage other users like you to keep standing up and say something when things like this occur in the space. It’s a community issue that needs a cultural change or movement IMO.

Everybody who invests their precious time in IC is equally important. Junior or less experienced developers should always be approached with a lot more patience and should receive more help than seasoned programmers. I am personally fine with the toxicity (harsh talk) you are writing about, but than I worked in this industry for more than 10 years and I know this is quiet general. I also do it, but only with my bosses and more experienced colleagues and never with junior, less experienced programmers.

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I respect, and appreciate the actual input towards addressing this issue from this honest and respectful outlook. Out of curiousity though, did you do know that is considered abusive or toxic behavior in some cultures/ industries? In some industries (like where I am coming from), that level of disrespect would probably have me removed from any position held. I’ve had my fair share of slip ups. Lord knows that I get emotionally heated. I also know it is the internet and you are allowed to voice your opinion, however, it doesn’t give you the right to take that from someone else with demoralizing or abusive language. That is toxic behavior. I’m not saying be perfect all the time, but blatant disrespect, and making direct comments towards people, or then using it as a means to subvert their silence is not the true meaning or definition of freedom of speech.
In fact, that is exactly why cancel culture was created. For this exact reason. To call out other members of the community (myself included) when we are acting out of line, and say “knock it off” essentially. It’s not about who is right, and who is wrong, it’s about not trying to publicly humiliate individuals, and (or) suppress their individual thinking. On the lower level of the community, individuals do things, and make direct comments like this when they see an opportunity, it normally starts or is deliberated from another source (often leadership) that they are projecting imo.
It often starts inside public meetings hosted in developer projects, and live stream sessions where all of these individuals start soaking this information in. They then project the same ideologies as the person they absorb the most information from.Which is then internalized and leaves the impression or stain on the overall brand. It is what makes me so passionate about directly engaging in conversation to address in this space in particular. Imo it isn’t/ shouldn’t be about cancel culture, and about treating others with respect.You really do internalize all of those subtle passive aggressive inside scripts with each other, and after a while you start to immediately assume and expect the worst of people. Especially, if it is a prolific member of the community, using their base or following to do so. I think it starts with miss communication, and trickles into longer lasting effects than even I can realize or give tangible value to.

I actually like the idea of not trying to remove individuals who make obscene comments like this out of respect to their freedom of speech. However, I do think it should be addressed, and not just by one person. I think it would foster an environment for individuals to talk about it, and then not alienate them, after the community perhaps makes them feel rejected or canceled for saying something. From personal experience, it makes you feel the same insignificance, that you were projecting onto the individual, and that is not what I would want either. If anything I would want to allow them the platform to openly apologize, acknowledge it. This way perhaps it actually stops, and doesn’t make them in turn feel smaller and they project those feelings further.

The guys trying to make the place a safe space which is limiting free speech and is basically supporting censorship. Yeah he has the right to say it and I’m fine with him saying it but his whole op contradicts web 3 entirely don’t think it should be supported at all

Do you not support free speech? Because this is what you get with free speech.

You support the freedom of speech but want to stop toxic behavior. That is a contradiction in itself. Do you support freedom of speech or limited speech? Because that whole paragraph you just wrote pretty much states you support limited speech

I kinda think “free speech” is a bit of a thought-terminating cliche. It’s a loaded term and you’re using it here to excuse rudeness. For what? Credibility and respect are things that people earn through effort and building rapport with each other, and free speech is an irrelevant U.S. legal concept

@jsull9 This post may have been unnecessary - talking about “toxicity” invites people to disagree and flame, and it’s pretty hard to get useful, concrete action out of an unstructured format like a forum post.

For my end, I have found the IC community to be fairly positive overall, particularly given the overall culture of crypto / web3. I appreciate everyone who puts in the work, both in the developer ecosystem and in building a culture that is collaborative and nice to be around :heart:

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@kpeacock I agree if you read my rants I quickly understood the forum was not the right setting. I was trying something that did not work or was not perceived well, and I did it emotionally charged, because of multiple reasons I won’t disclose. I wanted to delete the post to remove it for the exact reasons you speak too. However, I am not sure how to do so if I can be honest. I haven’t truly interacted in the public forum or online social media platforms in over 5-7 years. If anything I read from a distance with no actual account. This was a learning curve. I do apologize and honestly would love feedback on how to remove it from the forum overall. I’d prefer to remove the constant headache that was completely unintended and meant as a healthy discussion amongst community members to discuss these issues as they arise.

I can archive the post, if you want. I’m an admin

oh my god thank you so much. I’ll finally be able to sleep at night…