I was considering sharing a letter sent to another community member and me on the 1st of December from the Foundation’s lawyers but clearly written by Dom. In it, Dom references what I now understand to be the NNS Principles proposal and a very early draft of an unpublished blog post he gained access to from the logs of a private chat group that were leaked to him. His letter alluded to but did not explicitly threaten legal action in response.
Subsequent to recieving the letter I have responded to The Foundation’s lawyers requesting clarity on the issues they see with the proposal and blog posts. The have not responded to this request. I also indicated my prior intention to publish the letter and requested they reach out to discuss the matter. They have not. Dom was CCed in all of these communicaitons.
While I have decided not to publish, this represents at best an act of extremely heavy-handed censorship. At worst (and also in reality) it amounts to Dom using the weight of the Foundation to intimidate people who disagree with him and influence the NNS to suit his ends.
The only reason I raise the issue here is that Dom used the Foundation to kill the NNS Principles proposal which is exactly the scenario decentralisation is intended to prevent. The Foundation’s stated reason - “it won’t lead to code” - raised here:
Was never brought up in the extensive Governance Working Group discussions involving the Foundation that took place over an 8-week period, or in extensive community consultation about the proposal. In the presence of Dom’s letter it can’t be taken seriously. All issues raised were included in the proposal documentation. Additional issues raised in the linked thread are all addressed in the proposal documentation. What has not been raised is a plausible alternative solution to the problem clearly stated in the documentation:
At the end of the day, it is important not to let this escalate further. Dom controls the Foundation and influences the largest whales. The voting pattern of the reject votes matches those of some of the large seed whales voing with one neuron at a time to avoid being identified as a single actor. Together these whales and the Foundaiton have total control of the NNS. We need a plausible solution to fixing the one-man point of centralisation Dom represents. This of course will be very hard to impliment via the NNS because this group controls the NNS itself.
This all said. The vast majority of other blockchains including Bitcoin & Ethereum are more centralised than DFINITY. The only reason it is possible to make such claims of centralisation is the transparency of the IC platform. This is a good thing. Also, centralisation tends to decay over time. Almost all blockchains begin centralised and trend toward decentralisation. It is my opinion that we are seeing this happen here. Through civil discussion, and non-violent communication this community can guide the IC via the NNS even in the presence of the whales and Foundation, neither of which are bad actors, but rather are valid participants in the governane process.
I won’t respond to comments in this thread but I wish Dom, DFINITY, and everyone in this ecosystem the absolute best. Please don’t sue me Dom.
[Edited for sense and clarity]