I am trying to send some ICP to my canister and then burn them to cycles using cycles minting canister. Here are the steps I followed
STEP 1 : Fetch account id for my canister
dfx ledger account-id --of-principal gq3rs-huaaa-aaaaa-qaasa-cai
STEP 2 : Transfer some icp to my canister
dfx ledger transfer f9389bf5d1d3f16dbe2a9ec554ef540c5f843e445ed7190fd0e55edd9cd641fd --memo 12345 --icp 100
STEP 3 : Fetch account identifier(blob) for my canister
dfx canister call nns-ledger account_identifier '(record{owner=principal "gq3rs-huaaa-aaaaa-qaasa-cai"; subaccount=null;})'
blob “\f98\9b\f5\d1\d3\f1m\be*\9e\c5T\efT\0c_\84>D^\d7\19\0f\d0\e5^\dd\9c\d6A\fd”,
STEP 4 : Check Balance of my canister
dfx canister call nns-ledger account_balance '(record{account = blob "\f98\9b\f5\d1\d3\f1m\be*\9e\c5T\efT\0c_\84>D^\d7\19\0f\d0\e5^\dd\9c\d6A\fd"})'
(record { e8s = 10_000_000_000 : nat64 })
STEP 5 : Notify cmc to burn icp into cycles
dfx canister call nns-cycles-minting notify_top_up '(record{block_index=8;canister_id = principal "gq3rs-huaaa-aaaaa-qaasa-cai";})'
variant {
Err = variant {
InvalidTransaction = “Destination account in the block (f9389bf5d1d3f16dbe2a9ec554ef540c5f843e445ed7190fd0e55edd9cd641fd) different than in the notification (76c14e54d0093d9300542fee42bf8a8e6d24d0ed97193a07a516f3ad3e94f8d6)”
Why am i recieving error in the last step ? I have double checked the block height using query_blocks. But it is to be noted that the ‘to’ argument in block no 8 do not match with blob of my canister account identifier fetched from nns ledger