How to programmatically burn ICP into cycles

I’m trying to programmatically convert ICP tokens into cycles in order to build canisters programmatically for my users. However, I can’t seem to find any rust code to do this. So far what I have is this but it doesn’t work still.

pub async fn mint_cycles(amount: Tokens) -> Result<candid::Nat, std::string::String> {
    let transfer_args = TransferArgs {
        memo: MEMO_TOP_UP_CANISTER,
        from_subaccount: Some(Subaccount::from(
        to: AccountIdentifier::new(
        created_at_time: None,

    match Ledger::transfer_icp(transfer_args).await {
        // If the transaction is successfull, return the block index of the transaction
        Ok(cmc_block_index) => match CMC::top_up_self(cmc_block_index).await {
            Ok(cycles) => Ok(cycles),
            Err(err) => Err(err),
        Err(err) => Err(err.to_string()),

The Ledger struct is

use candid::Principal;
use ic_cdk::id;
use ic_ledger_types::{
    query_archived_blocks, query_blocks, transfer, AccountIdentifier, Block, BlockIndex,

pub struct Ledger {}

impl Ledger {
    pub async fn transfer_icp(args: TransferArgs) -> Result<u64, String> {
        match transfer(MAINNET_LEDGER_CANISTER_ID, args).await {
            Ok(result) => match result {
                Ok(block_index) => Ok(block_index),
                Err(err) => Err(err.to_string()),
            Err((_, err)) => Err(err),

    // This method checks if the transaction is send and received from the given principal
    pub async fn validate_transaction(
        principal: Principal,
        block_index: BlockIndex,
    ) -> Result<Tokens, String> {
        // Get the block
        let block = Self::get_block(block_index).await;
        match block {
            Some(block) => {
                // Check if the block has a transaction
                if let Some(operation) = block.transaction.operation {
                    if let ic_ledger_types::Operation::Transfer {
                        fee: _, // Ignore fee
                    } = operation
                        if from != Self::principal_to_account_identifier(principal) {
                            return Err("Transaction not from the given principal".to_string());
                        if to != Self::principal_to_account_identifier(id()) {
                            return Err("Transaction not to the given principal".to_string());
                        return Ok(amount);
                    } else {
                        // Not a transfer
                        return Err("Not a transfer".to_string());
                } else {
                    // No operation
                    return Err("No operation".to_string());
            // No block
            None => return Err("No block".to_string()),

    async fn get_block(block_index: BlockIndex) -> Option<Block> {
        let args = GetBlocksArgs {
            start: block_index,
            length: 1,

        match query_blocks(MAINNET_LEDGER_CANISTER_ID, args.clone()).await {
            Ok(blocks_result) => {
                if blocks_result.blocks.len() >= 1 {
                    debug_assert_eq!(blocks_result.first_block_index, block_index);
                    return blocks_result.blocks.into_iter().next();

                if let Some(func) = blocks_result.archived_blocks.into_iter().find_map(|b| {
                    (b.start <= block_index && (block_index - b.start) < b.length)
                        .then(|| b.callback)
                }) {
                    match query_archived_blocks(&func, args).await {
                        Ok(range) => match range {
                            Ok(_range) => return _range.blocks.into_iter().next(),
                            Err(_) => return None,
                        _ => (),
            Err(_) => (),


    fn principal_to_account_identifier(principal: Principal) -> AccountIdentifier {
        AccountIdentifier::new(&principal, &DEFAULT_SUBACCOUNT)

and the code for cycles minting canister is

use candid::Nat;
use ic_cdk::id;

use crate::rust_declarations::cmc_service::{CmcService, NotifyTopUpArg, NotifyTopUpResult};

pub struct CMC {}

impl CMC {
    pub async fn top_up_self(block_index: u64) -> Result<Nat, String> {
            .notify_top_up(NotifyTopUpArg {
                canister_id: id(),
            Ok((result,)) => match result {
                NotifyTopUpResult::Ok(cycles) => Ok(cycles),
                NotifyTopUpResult::Err(err) => Err(format!("{:?}", err)),
            Err((_, err)) => Err(err),

I’m getting an error “Canister ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai not found” and that’s the id of the main ledger canister if I’m not wrong

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Here is how dfx does it. Basically it transfer ICP to the CMC’s account with the user principal as the subaccount, then it calls notify_mint_cycles on the CMC. Important: use the right memo, you can get it from a few lines further up.

I suppose you are doing this locally, right? In that case you need to e.g. dfx nns install after dfx start, otherwise you don’t have a ledger or CMC canister


Thank you @Severin .