Cannot swap tokens

Failed to transfer GHOST: Error: Call requestConnect first. Please try reconnecting your wallet and ensure the account inside matches the account displayed on the ICPSwap page.

I cannot swap my token on icpswap nor plug swap inside the wallet :frowning:

:warning: Don’t click or answer above message of Max1 it’s a scam attempt!

I don’t know the answer to your question.

First make sure that your tokens are not old.

pinging @ICPSwap for help

@Severin Thanks Severin for the tag!

Hi, Hador, @hador23

Are you using the Plug wallet? We’ve identified this issue and reached out to the Plug team. Together, we’ve tested a new version to address it, and they’ve informed us that the update will be released soon.

In the meantime, please try reconnecting your wallet and attempting again. While this error doesn’t affect functionality, you may need to reconnect each time it occurs. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience!

@hador23 We just received a notification from the Plug team that version 2.2.4 updates are now live.

Please go to your browser settings, navigate to Extensions, find Plug wallet, and click the Update button. Version 2.2.4 offers smoother.