Building a Website On ICP

“What is the recommended approach for creating a static website on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)? I’m particularly interested in hosting a simple static site using an asset canister. Any insights, tips, or best practices would be greatly appreciated!”

I’m obviously biased, but you can give Juno a try.

You can quickly start a static website using one of Juno’s templates, which will spin up a website using the Astro framework:

npm create juno@latest

In my opinion, there aren’t really that many particular best practices different from those that apply to building static websites on Web2. Maybe the only thing I can think of - if you are an advance developer that cares about those things - is ensuring builds are reproducible. This approach helps efficiently consume cycles when the website changes are uploaded to the smart contract and also speeds up deployment. However, to some extent, that’s also valid for Web2, so really, it’s much the same I would say spontaneously.