I am at the beginning of my application, I have integrated react + typescript (depending on the doc. and the phonebook example).
With index.tsx it works (build deploy etc…) when I add an App.tsx component and I import it. During the build it does not find it I have the following error: (Of course I verified the path)
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './App' in '/home/kurdy/dev/dfx_PostIt/src/www/public'
I check with other example and I don’t find where is the issue and I don’t know how to debug to find my mistake.
Thanks I already have a look to that project. I agree to setup a project rapidly it’s the best base I found. I am more in discovery and learning path so I started by create a project using dfx and add step by step dependencies to react Typescript etc… I follow the documentation and it works fine using index.tsx the issue is when I tried to continue and add a component. I uncomment webpack part add tsconfig.json, etc… I suspect a miss configuration on that part but I could not find it.
The code: index.tsx
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
<App name="PostIt"/>