Hey team,
I need to upload a few medium files (200Mb movies) for demonstrating our use case to use stream movie from canisters.
I was told by Alexa that bigmap and bigsearch are discountinued, so cannot be used anymore.
I was trying to deploy a canister containing with a few videos (ca. 250Mb each).
It succeeded with one video. I then tried deploying again but with 8 videos: it keeps failing after uploading a couple of videos, throwing:
An error happened during communication with the replica: error sending request for url (https://ic0.app/api/v2/canister/5qwoh-3aaaa-aaaai-aap5a-cai/call): http2 error: protocol error: unspecific protocol error detected
What could it mean?
- I tried to use this example: file_upload_experiment/file_upload_assets.did.js at main · krpeacock/file_upload_experiment · GitHub
but the motoko code isn’t available
How can I proceed? Could you please advise on how to achieve this?