I’m trying to update the frontend via proposal and have an output of:
Proposed commit of batch 203 with evidence 5f2d8fac4591e01e2d8e0da715a632ba5016d8bdaa897d31c0766a3095d3fb13
When trying to submit the frontend proposal however, I get the error:
The request is being processed…
record {
command = opt variant {
Error = record {
error_message = “1 defects in Proposal:\nInvalid proposal: batch computed evidence 5f2d8fac4591e01e2d8e0da715a632ba5016d8bdaa897d31c0766a3095d3fb13 does not match presented evidence 35663264386661633435393165303165326438653064613731356136333262613530313664386264616138393764333163303736366133303935643366623133”;
error_type = 15 : int32;
Is this local? Any chance you have some background process like vite building code when ever changes occur(or at some other time). This basically means that the deployer is telling the canister an improper hash which could be because of a bad assembly, because a file isn’t being included that it thought was going to be, or that the files change between the compute and the upload.
No this isn’t local, i get different errors trying to compute the batch evidence on local. I just want to push the frontend to the live IC canister. Largely to know I can too since it’s something I need updating more often than say the backend.
If you could point me to the docs where I configure the deployer / hashes and assembly of the files.
I’m so confused. Sorry if I’m not converting bytes of encoded strings properly, it’s not something I have any clue about or have needed to in building applications before.
So can we get back to the documented trail so I can get a grip. From the commands and the docs, can you show me how I get the frontend updated?
I’m looking for code on transposing bytes in the docs on updating the asset canister but can’t see it.
You should then be able to see the evidence bytes in the candid-encoded bytes, and that’s the arg you want to submit to the generic function call. To construct the generic proposal you need to apply the same treatment again before wrapping it in the blob: blob "$(echo $ARG | sed 's/..\\&/g')"
error_message = "1 defects in Proposal:\nCanister method call to validate and render proposal payload of NervousSystemFunction: 24000 failed: (Some(5), \"IC0503: Error from Canister bgpwv-eqaaa-aaaal-qb6eq-cai: Canister called `ic0.trap` with message: failed to decode call arguments: Custom(Cannot parse header \\n\\nCaused by:\\n binary parser error: io error).\\nConsider gracefully handling failures from this canister or altering the canister to handle exceptions. See documentation: http://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/references/execution-errors#trapped-explicitly\")";
error_type = 15 : int32;
I took your script and added some more debug prints:
# cd into folder containing this script
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
# Extract the args
# Build the proposal candid
PAYLOAD=$(didc encode "(record{ batch_id = $BATCH_ID : nat; evidence = blob \"$(echo $EVIDENCE_STRING | sed 's/../\\&/g')\"; })")
didc decode $PAYLOAD
PROPOSAL="(record { title=\"$TITLE\"; url=\"$URL\"; summary=\"$SUMMARY\"; action=opt variant
{ExecuteGenericNervousSystemFunction = record {function_id=($FUNCTION_ID:nat64); payload = blob \"$(echo $PAYLOAD | sed 's/../\\&/g')\"}}})"
echo "------"
echo "------"
didc decode "$ENCODED_PROPOSAL"
# Make the proposal
The output shows that this should be a valid proposal, and that evidence is not empty.
Your latest error message shows that there is no evidence getting passed, so I think there must be something wrong with ./subnit_proposal.sh "$PROPOSAL"
james@Jamess-MacBook-Pro OpenFPL % ./governance/proposals/general/469.UpdateFrontend.sh
record {
1_309_252_224 = 203 : nat;
2_389_509_079 = blob "\5f\2d\8f\ac\45\91\e0\1e\2d\8e\0d\a7\15\a6\32\ba\50\16\d8\bd\aa\89\7d\31\c0\76\6a\30\95\d3\fb\13";
(record { title="Update Frontend Canister."; url="https://openfpl.xyz"; summary="Update frontend canister with evidence batch id 203."; action=opt variant {ExecuteGenericNervousSystemFunction = record {function_id=(24000:nat64); payload = blob "\44\49\44\4c\02\6c\02\80\b5\a6\f0\04\7d\d7\87\b4\f3\08\01\6d\7b\01\00\cb\01\20\5f\2d\8f\ac\45\91\e0\1e\2d\8e\0d\a7\15\a6\32\ba\50\16\d8\bd\aa\89\7d\31\c0\76\6a\30\95\d3\fb\13"}}})
record {
5_843_823 = "https://openfpl.xyz";
272_307_608 = "Update Frontend Canister.";
373_701_558 = opt variant {
4_054_303_895 = record {
42_976_738 = 24_000 : nat64;
3_979_722_638 = blob "\44\49\44\4c\02\6c\02\80\b5\a6\f0\04\7d\d7\87\b4\f3\08\01\6d\7b\01\00\cb\01\20\5f\2d\8f\ac\45\91\e0\1e\2d\8e\0d\a7\15\a6\32\ba\50\16\d8\bd\aa\89\7d\31\c0\76\6a\30\95\d3\fb\13";
2_162_756_390 = "Update frontend canister with evidence batch id 203.";
(record { title="Update Frontend Canister."; url="https://openfpl.xyz"; summary="Update frontend canister with evidence batch id 203."; action=opt variant {ExecuteGenericNervousSystemFunction = record {function_id=(24000:nat64); payload = blob "\44\49\44\4c\02\6c\02\80\b5\a6\f0\04\7d\d7\87\b4\f3\08\01\6d\7b\01\00\cb\01\20\5f\2d\8f\ac\45\91\e0\1e\2d\8e\0d\a7\15\a6\32\ba\50\16\d8\bd\aa\89\7d\31\c0\76\6a\30\95\d3\fb\13"}}})
Using identity: "ic_admin".
Sending message with
Call type: update
Sender: 4jijx-ekel7-4t2kx-32cyf-wzo3t-i4tas-qsq4k-ujnug-oxke7-o5aci-eae
Canister id: detjl-sqaaa-aaaaq-aacqa-cai
Method name: manage_neuron
Arguments: (
record {
subaccount = blob "\d2\cc\f5\9a\be\17\41\c2\1c\35\da\7e\38\63\d5\d1\4c\97\d9\b8\2b\36\04\5f\4a\8d\4c\33\68\64\f6\dc";
command = opt variant {
MakeProposal = record {
url = "https://openfpl.xyz";
title = "Update Frontend Canister.";
action = opt variant {
ExecuteGenericNervousSystemFunction = record {
function_id = 24_000 : nat64;
payload = blob "\44\49\44\4c\02\6c\02\80\b5\a6\f0\04\7d\d7\87\b4\f3\08\01\6d\7b\01\00\cb\01\20\5f\2d\8f\ac\45\91\e0\1e\2d\8e\0d\a7\15\a6\32\ba\50\16\d8\bd\aa\89\7d\31\c0\76\6a\30\95\d3\fb\13";
summary = "Update frontend canister with evidence batch id 203.";
Do you want to send this message? [y/N]
And then submit proposal is called like all others:
# Set current directory to the directory this script is in
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
# Extract the proposal
dfx identity use ic_admin
OWNER_IDENTITY=$(dfx identity whoami)
PEM_FILE="$(readlink -f "$HOME/.config/dfx/identity/${OWNER_IDENTITY}/identity.pem")"
# Make the proposal using quill
quill sns --canister-ids-file ./sns_canister_ids.json --pem-file $PEM_FILE make-proposal --proposal "$PROPOSAL" $PROPOSER_NEURON_ID > msg.json
quill send msg.json
rm -f msg.json
excuse_CommitProposedBatch_func_of_KinicUI.sh "266e91dbb8d435de82a7d961f0ac0060015a597a4e542d9e7f30a488cab8a592" "36" "03be643f94b9ec88609215b99d216cbc3329cd5b1907be577d762e1dd26c3c5b"
The request is being processed...
record {
command = opt variant {
Error = record {
error_message = "1 defects in Proposal:\nInvalid proposal: batch computed evidence 03be643f94b9ec88609215b99d216cbc3329cd5b1907be577d762e1dd26c3c5b does not match presented evidence 03be643f94b9ec88609215b99d216cbc33cd5b1907be577d762e1dd26c3c5b29";
error_type = 15 : int32;
Since encoding the payload in bash can be a bit tricky, we added a custom command to quill that doesn’t directly handle the payload, to clarify whether the issue is in the script or in deploy --by-proposal.
I are submitting the PR and plan to try to submit it again today.