Automatically stake new maturity

Hello everyone,

I have a straightforward question: What exactly is “automatically stake new maturity,” and what does it do? I’ve had this option turned on for a while, but I’m not quite clear on its benefits. Currently, my neuron is in dissolving mode; can I only receive rewards after the dissolving period, because my setting are on for ‘automatically stake new maturity’ and spawn the maturity into ICP tokens?

Thanks a lot in advance for the answers; looking forward to clear explanations. :slight_smile:

If your maturity is automating restaked, then your maturity is being staked too.

If you want to remove this box, then your maturity will become freely exchangeable for ICP.

The benefit of automatic restaking is that it increases the overall voting power and yield of your neuron.

If you want income today, then uncheck the box.


Thank you for your clear response, dfisher. I’ve decided to keep the box checked for now; patience seems like the better choice.