What do you mean by better support for web/js frameworks? I think the priority should be to make web & mobile development more approachable, which is why I listed react-native first.
Swift also has great wasm compilation tooling, meaning that it could be a full stack language for the IC (frontend & backend).
I’m curious if the DFINITY team considered Swift originally when building the IC.
@lastmjs Have you considered building Swift tooling for the IC?
Most important to me is web frontend tooling that does not assume frameworks or build tools, but is native JS that can be consumed by any framework or tooling (like not being webpack-specific as a good example). @icme I don’t do iOS development really
How about providing the community with lower level tools & APIs with more flexibility so we can build better support?
In my view dfx is the biggest obstacle. if we could call the APIs programmatically (dfx-js or ic-js for example) and have more control that would unlock a ton of potential and allow the community to innovate around tooling & framework support.