Announcing "Token Standard" as topic of the first meeting of the Ledger & Tokenization Working Group

Ledger & Tokenization Working Group

DFINITY lead: @dieter.sommer
Coordinator: @benji

Discord: Ledger & Tokenization Channel
Forum: Main thread with updates
GitHub: GitHub - dfinity/ICRC-1: A fungible token standard developed by the Ledger & Tokenization working group for the IC.
Slides and Recordings: Link to Google Drive
Cadence: Bi-weekly on Tuesday at 6:00 PM CET (Google Calendar, calendar browser link)

First meeting: April 12, 2022, at 5:00 pm CET

The Leder & Tokenization Working Group has emerged due to the need for a unified token standard on the Internet Computer and the fragmentation in this space seen beforehand. The working group attempts to create a widely-agreed core token standard that everyone deploying a token on the IC should support. This will allow dApps like DEXs to seamlessly integrate with all tokens while using a single implementation. Extensions to this standard will be available as well and are optional to implement for more specific use cases.A single unified and widely agreed token standard is one of the most paramount things required for a blockchain, thus it is needless to stress the importance of this working group for the IC ecosystem at large.This is a truly open platform and everyone in the community is invited to participate in the standards activities, either actively or just for listening in.


Hopefully, someone can share the meeting notes afterwards.

I would love to attend, but 8am PDT is somewhat prohibitive for me.

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I hope you will be able to discuss the fact that community-developed DEXs seem to be adopting one standard (DIP20) and the DFINITY-developed SNS seems to be adopting another standard (NNS ledger interface).

Not to mention the upcoming wrapped BTC canister… I’m not sure which standard they are using.

This fracturing will lead to headaches down the road, I suspect.


hey @jzxchiang,

DEXs are integrating with the NNS ledger interface as far as I know.
I’m the developer of ckBTC, aka wrapped BTC for the IC, and we are using the NNS ledger interface to keep it consistent with the interface used by SNS and NNS. The NNS ledger interface is the standard of both NNS and SNS.

I agree that fracturing will lead to headaches. The working group has been created to help dealing with this. I hope to have a constructive discussion about it on Tuesday :slightly_smiling_face: .

p.s. we are considering other times for the meeting of the working group. I’ll see what we can do.


Hi everyone,

Thanks everyone for participating in the first meeting of the Ledger & Tokenization working group. We got a lot of good feedback and some action points for the next meeting.

As decided in this working group, the next meeting will be dedicated to presenting the various token standard ideas. Everybody will be able to present their own take on the topic and get a Q&A about it. Let’s try to keep the presentations under 10 minutes to allow everybody a fair amount of time.

The date for the next working group meeting will be the 26th of April.

You can find a link to the slides I presented today here.

We would be grateful if you could fill this survey about the working group to help us improving this new process.

It has been great to meet all of you and have a nice discussion about token standards on the IC!

See you next time!


Is there/will there be records of the meetings?


+1, I’d love to watch a replay and/or read some minutes.

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Yesterday it was not possible to record the meeting due some privacy / legal (?) reasons. They will try to figure out if they can record future meetings.

There was no recording for the first meeting. I will see if we can record the next ones.


Token Standard is very important and pretty urgent. The community complain a lot regarding the token standard. Hope you could find a solution asap. I don’t think a meeting cross 1 month is good enough, maybe have a meeting to discuss once in one week?

@daijianlin we have decided to have a meeting every 2 weeks for the Ledger & Tokenization working group. The next one will be the 26th of April.


Is the time for the ledger working group still set at 2 hours before the time for the developer tools one?

Yes, the time is 5:00pm CET. I’m discussing within Dfinity to have another meeting for people who cannot attend this one. Would it be easier for you to join the meeting if it was at 7:00pm CET?

Yes it would but I don’t want to force anyone to meet later than they can. :sweat_smile:

I think if there are recordings in the future that would already help a lot.

The meetings zoom link is changed. New link

Can you all create/update the event link on the main working group thread to every two weeks? I missed today…hope it was a good one!

Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for participating to yesterday’s working group session. It has been nice to talk about token standards more in details and share ideas. I’m happy to see that we are aligning toward a common standard more and more and I’m eager to continue the conversation. You can find the slides here.

Unfortunately, it looks like some people couldn’t participate to the session because of a broken Zoom link. I’d like to apologise for the technical issue on behalf of the Dfinity foundation, the link was created by somebody who is not at Dfinity anymore and for some reason the updated link didn’t reach all our users.

We are considering organising a new session next Tuesday, the 3rd of May, to continue the discussion about standards. It would be helpful to know who would be interested to join that meeting (e.g. because they couldn’t join yesterday’s meeting). Please reply to this post if you’re interested. If there is enough interest then we will organise it and send an invite.

Looking forward to chat with you again.


Very interested. :coin::coin::coin::coin::coin::coin::coin::coin: